Patient Characteristics

ExaminationPrimary siteIndicationContext
1 (patient 1)Small bowel carcinoidStagingAfter resection of primary
2 (patient 2)*Small bowel carcinoidStagingAfter resection of small bowel carcinoid measuring about 1 mm
3 (patient 2)*Small bowel carcinoidSystematic follow-upSearch for residual disease 6 mo after surgery
4 (patient 3)Small bowel carcinoidStagingAfter resection of large tumor
5 (patient 4)Small bowel carcinoidStagingAfter resection of primary
6 (patient 5)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of incomplete resection of primaryPersistence of symptoms after resection of primary
7 (patient 6)Small bowel carcinoidRestagingAfter detection of large abdominal lymph node with elevated serotonin and 5-HIAA levels
8 (patient 7)Small bowel carcinoidRestagingAfter detection of liver metastasis with elevated serotonin level
9 (patient 8)*Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceElevated 5-HIAA and serotonin levels
10 (patient 8)*Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceElevated 5-HIAA and serotonin levels
11 (patient 9)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceCharacterization of lymphadenopathy seen on CI (with normal 5-HIAA and serotonin levels)
12 (patient 10)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceElevated serotonin serum level
13 (patient 11)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceElevated serotonin serum level after resection of peritoneal metastases
14 (patient 12)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrencePain and pathologic image of femur on CI
15 (patient 13)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceElevated 5-HIAA level
16 (patient 14)Small bowel carcinoidSuspicion of recurrenceCharacterization of lesions seen on CI
17 (patient 15)Small bowel carcinoidSystematic follow-upSystematic search of residual disease 6 mo after surgery
18 (patient 16)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of ovarian metastases
19 (patient 17)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of liver metastases
20 (patient 18)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of liver metastases
21 (patient 19)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of an abdominal metastasis
22 (patient 20)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of liver metastases
23 (patient 21)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of liver metastases
24 (patient 22)Unknown primaryStaging and search for primaryAfter diagnosis of liver metastases
25 (patient 23)Gastric tumorStagingWith on-site primary
26 (patient 24)Duodenal gastrinomaSuspicion of recurrenceDoubtful abdominal image on SRS
27 (patient 25)Duodenal tumorStagingWith on-site primary
28 (patient 26)Pancreatic tumorStagingWith on-site primary
29 (patient 27)Pancreatic tumorStagingWith on-site primary
30 (patient 28)Pancreatic tumorStagingAfter resection of primary
31 (patient 29)*Pancreatic tumorRestagingAfter resection of recurrence
32 (patient 29)*Pancreatic tumorSuspicion of recurrenceAbdominal pain and doubtful abdominal image on SRS
33 (patient 30)Pancreatic tumorSuspicion of recurrenceSuspicion of local recurrence (positive SRS at site of pancreatic resection)
  • * Two examinations performed on patients 2, 8, and 29.

  • At time of 18F-FDOPA PET.

  • 5-HIAA = 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; CI = conventional imaging.