Summary of Patient Characteristics, Imaging Data, and Follow-up

Receptor expression*Endocrine treatment99mTc-Depreotide uptake
No.Age (y)DateER (%)PgR (%)TypeIndicationDisease site(s)BaselineChange baseline follow-upPFI (mo)Follow-up
17420009030tam→AIDiagnosis M+BoneNegativeNA0NR
274199700tam→AIProgressionBone, pleuraNegativeNA0NR
3742002100100tamDiagnosis M+Liver, boneNegativeNA3NR
4722001+++AIDiagnosis M+BoneNegativeNA0NR
55920003050AIStabilization after CTBone, liverNegativeNA0NR
65419999090AI→FAProgressionBone, liver, soft tissueNegativeNA0NR
76919999899tam→AIProgressionBone, pleuraNegativeNA0NR
85220020<5tam→AIProgressionSoft tissuePositive↑ (+116%)3NR
96019979568tam→AIProgressionBone, liver, pleura, lungPositive↑ (+29%)0NR
104620027050AIDiagnosis M+Bone, liverPositive↑ (+63%)/ = (5%)0NR
11611985(+)(+)tamDiagnosis M+BonePositive↓ (−42%)31R
12752002955AIFirst diagnosisBreast, skinPositive↓ (−33%)16§R
13532001800tamStabilization after CTLiverPositive= (+1%)12R
147620009040tam→AIProgressionBonePositive= (−4%)22§R
1557199610020tamDiagnosis M+BonePositive= (+5%)14R
1656199710010AIProgressionBone, pleuraPositive↓ (−50%)/ = (+4%)11§R
17592002100100tam→AIProgressionBone, breastPositive↓ (−29%)/ = (−15%)11§R
185919968010tam→AIDiagnosis M+BonePositiveOnly baseline scan12R
  • * Evaluation of hormone receptor status was performed using IHC, except for patient 11, where LBA was applied. Immunostaining scores: percentage of positively stained cells or −, negative; (+), weakly positive; +, intermediately positive; ++, strongly positive.

  • Most recent biopsy.

  • Mean percentage change in all lesions per group. Groups: ↑, increase in uptake of >25%; =, increase or decrease in uptake of ≤25%; ↓, decrease in uptake of >25%.

  • § Still responding at conclusion of study.

  • tam = tamoxifen; AI = aromatase inhibitor; FA = full antagonist of ER (fulvestrant); M+ = metastasis; CT = chemotherapy; NA = not applicable; PFI = progression-free interval; NR = nonresponder; R = responder.