Circumstances Under Which Manual Correction of Automated VOI Positioning Was Considered Necessary from a Clinician’s Point of View and Number of Scans Affected

For manual correction of striatal VOI positioning
    Shift of single basal ganglia VOI of >2 mm0/155
    Brain too small compared with template with both basal ganglia VOIs being >4 mm too far apart (in most cases, resulting in shift of >2 mm on each side)2/155
    Rotational misalignment of >3° in any plane0/155
For manual correction of occipital reference VOI positioning
    VOI shift resulting in overlap of any part of occipital reference region with either skull or ventricles of >4 mm6/155
    Rotational misalignment of >3° in any plane resulting in overlap of reference VOI with either skull or ventricles1/155