Parameters Derived from Triexponential Fit to Chosen Standard Input Function With and Without Prior Subtraction of Extravascular Background

Background subtracteda0a1a2b0 (min−1)b1 (min−1)b2 (min−1)
No [SP(t)]0.6850.1790.1364.790.3180.036
Yes [SP′(t)]0.7460.1630.0914.620.4950.058
  • Standard input function before and after subtraction of extravascular background is denoted by SP(t) and SP′(t), respectively. SP(t) [or SP′(t)] = a0 exp[−b0t] + a1 exp[−b1t] + a2 exp[−b2t], where input functions have been adjusted to initial maximum of unity at time t = 0.