Calculated Radioiodinated Fractions of Antibodies for Different Numbers of Iodine Atoms per mAb Molecule

No. of iodine atomsIodination probability* (Pi(x))Relative iodination probability (%)Radiolabeling probability (Pa(x))Radioiodinated fraction§ (F(x))Relative radioiodinated fraction (%)
Labeling A
Labeling B
  • * Calculated probability (according to Equation 1) of mono- and polyiodinated antibody fractions Pi(x).

  • Mono- and polyiodinated fractions (%) of all iodinated antibodies.

  • Respective probability to be radiolabeled Pa(x) (according to the Newton binome).

  • § Resulting fraction (by multiplication of Pi(x) with Pa(x)) of radiolabeled mono- and polyiodinated antibodies F(x).

  • The later fraction (%) of all radiolabeled antibodies.