Radiation Dosimetry: Residence Times ± SD (as % of Mean)

TargetMean: all patientsMean arm 1: without cold loadingMean arm 2: with cold loadingMean arm 2: without patient 6
Kidneys0.50 ± 26.10.51 ± 25.00.50 ± 32.90.54 ± 17.0
Liver1.25 ± 88.31.03 ± 132.61.47 ± 69.22.04 ± 7.6
Lungs0.15 ± 20.40.13 ± 16.70.16 ± 19.90.18 ± 69.3
Spleen0.23 ± 94.20.28 ± 110.40.18 ± 67.80.23 ± 220.1
Remainder of body1.94 ± 34.02.14 ± 34.91.73 ± 36.31.46 ± 15.4
  • Data are in hours.