Scintigraphic and Histopathologic Findings in Patients with Malignant Melanoma of Trunk

Patient no.Age (y)SexTumor type and locationPlanar imaging*Localization of nodes seen on planar imagingSPECT/CT imagingSurgical and histopathologic results
First nodes detectedAdditional nodesSingle vs. multiple basinsAdditional nodesSingle vs. multiple basinsClinically relevant added value
152ML shoulderL axillaSingleL axilla, centralSingleNegative
224MR shoulderR axillaSingleApical, R axilla+ (IT)Single+Negative
373MMidupper backL axilla2 L axilla, 1 R axillaMultipleIn L axilla, 1 subscapular node and 1 central node+ pectoral nodeMultiple+Negative
461ML upper backL axilla2 L axillaUnclear2 central, 1 pectoral axillary node+ prescapular (IT)Multiple+Negative
571MR upper backR axilla2 R axillaSingleCentral axillary nodesSingleNegative
667MMidupper backL jugular chain, 2 nodesL axilla, L occipitalMultipleL jugular, axillary, and occipital nodesMultipleNegative
759FMidupper backL axillaL axillaSingleCentral axillary nodesSingle1 positive SN node (axillary)
852FMidupper backR axilla, 2 nodesL axilla, 2 nodesMultipleBilateral central axillary nodesMultipleNegative
960MR upper backR axillaSingle1 axillary central node+ supraclavicular node, low jugular nodeMultiple+Negative
1055MMidlower backL axillaL groinMultipleL central axilla node, L groin nodeMultiple1 positive node (groin)
1162MChest wall+ 1 central axillary node (hidden)Single+Negative
1226FAbdominal wallL groin, aberrant uptakeUnclearL groin+ (?) parailiac nodes, aberrant uptakeUnclearNegative (parailiac nodes and aberrant uptake not examined)
  • * Including images obtained with 57Co flood source.

  • Additional nodes detected on SPECT/CT only. Hidden = hidden by scatter radiation of injection site; IT = in-transit.

  • SPECT/CT added data were considered clinically relevant if they guided surgeon to SNs that were undetected on planar images or to SNs in another basin.