Comparison Between Seizure Frequency in Patients With and Without Asymmetric Subcortical Findings on Any Ictal Study at 1 Year After Surgery Follow-Up

Risk of persistent seizures at 1-y follow-upPatients with mesial TLE* and neocortical epilepsy (n = 43) (%)Subgroup of patients with neocortical epilepsy (n = 3) (%)
Asymmetric thalamus7.7 (0.4–37.9)10.0 (0.5–45.9)
Symmetric thalamus50.0 (30.4–69.6)61.9 (3.7–81.0)
Asymmetric basal ganglia7.1 (0.4–35.8)11.1 (0.6–40.2)
Symmetric basal ganglia52.0 (31.8–71.7)25.0 (6.7–57.2)
  • * None of 8 patients with mesial temporal epilepsy who underwent surgery had seizures at 1 y or at last follow-up.

  • Values in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals.