Errors in Activity Estimates and in BP Values for Real Acquisitions

CorrectionMethod% Error in estimate for:
PutamenCaudate nucleiBackgroundPutamenCaudate nuclei
None20% + OSEM−89 (−86)−91 (−89)−67 (−65)−71 (−69)−76 (−75)
AC20% + OSEM-A−65 (−59)−69 (−67)−12 (+1)−69 (−68)−73 (−74)
SACTEW + OSEM-A−52 (−47)−59 (−57)−4 (+10)−58 (−60)−64 (−68)
AC-PVC20% + OSEM-A + PVC1−24 (−10)−25 (−18)−12 (+1)−16 (−13)−16 (−20)
20% + OSEM-A + PVC2−25 (−11)−23 (−17)−12 (+1)−17 (−13)−14 (−19)
SAC-PVCTEW + OSEM-A + PVC1+7 (+19)+7 (+9)−4 (+10)+13 (+10)+13 (−1)
TEW + OSEM-A + PVC2+6 (+19)+9 (+10)−4 (+10)+12 (+8)+15 (−1)
  • Putamen and caudate nucleus percent errors were averaged over right and left structures. Results are given for emission and transmission data acquired sequentially and simultaneously (latter values in parentheses).