Linear Regression Analysis of Retention Vs. Myocardial Blood Flow for Low and High Flow Ranges

GroupFlow range
Low (≤1.0 mL/g/min)High (>1.0 mL/g/min)
Group 1
   Sestamibi slope0.3070 ± 0.01028 (<0.0001)0.1738 ± 0.006233 (<0.0001)
   Tetrofosmin slope0.05974 ± 0.009525 (<0.0001)0.005058 ± 0.005291 (0.3412)
   Are the slopes different? (P)<0.0001<0.0001
Group 2
   Sestamibi slope0.3670 ± 0.01326 (<0.0001)0.08652 ± 0.003768 (<0.0001)
   Q12 slope0.02401 ± 0.006020 (<0.0001)0.01223 ± 0.001190 (<0.0001)
   Are the slopes different? (P)<0.00010.05571
  • Values in parentheses indicate probability values testing presence of slope different from 0 for relationship between retention and flow.