Brain Perfusion SPECT Patterns Associated with Dementias and Other Brain Diseases

SPECT pattern*Disease
Temporoparietal hypoperfusionDementia of Alzheimer’s type
Parkinson’s disease–related dementia
Lewy–Bodie disease
Normopressure hydrocephalia
Frontal (or frontotemporal) hypoperfusionPick’s disease
Frontotemporal degeneration
Pseudodepressive dementia
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Chronic alcoholism
Chronic schizophrenia
Multiple focal defects (patchy pattern)AIDS-related dementia
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
Multi-infarct dementia
  • * These are main SPECT patterns associated with these diseases, but they are not pathognomonic; other patterns or absence of abnormalities can be noted in same diseases.