Results of MAG3-F0 and Outcome in 60 Patients with Clinical Diagnosis of Renal Colic and KUB

Scintirenographic findingsNo intervention neededSpontaneous resolution of obstructionIntervention/ decompression
No obstruction
 Positive KUB findings16*115
 Negative KUB findings15150
Partial obstruction§1156
Complete obstruction§1018#
Stunned kidney§,**88††0
  • * Discharged and evaluated as outpatients.

  • Elective decompression to remove Staghorn calculi.

  • Lack of obstruction, and alternative diagnosis was reached (infection, injury, gynecologic, gallbladder).

  • § Five in each category were positive for stones on KUB.

  • Elective decompression for large stones.

  • One patient left against medical advice.

  • # Emergency decompression.

  • ** Patients either found stones in urine or follow-up studies over 6 days showed gradual resolution of cortical dysfunction.

  • †† Decompression occurred before scintigraphy.

  • Clinical diagnosis of renal colic had positive predictive value of 35%. KUB had sensitivity of 48%, specificity of 46%, negative predictive value of 48%, and positive predictive value of 32%.