Organ-Absorbed Doses and Effective Doses for Standard Male and Female Phantoms Using International Commission on Radiological Protection 103 Models

Target organOrgan dose (mGy/MBq)
Adrenals0.018 (0.0032)0.019 (0.0025)0.016
Brain0.0021 (0.0003)0.0025 (0.0003)<0.0001
BreastsNA0.011 (0.0022)N/A
Esophagus0.0093 (0.0010)0.011 (0.0012)<0.0001
Eyes0.0076 (0.0009)0.0092 (0.0011)<0.0001
Gallbladder wall0.019 (0.0067)0.021 (0.0078)<0.0001
Left colon0.020 (0.0050)0.022 (0.0047)<0.0001
Small intestine0.020 (0.0020)0.024 (0.0024)<0.0001
Stomach wall0.013 (0.0018)0.015 (0.0020)<0.0001
Right colon0.011 (0.0011)0.013 (0.0014)<0.0001
Rectum0.012 (0.0005)0.018 (0.0006)<0.0001
Heart wall0.016 (0.0013)0.021 (0.0017)<0.0001
Kidneys0.078 (0.030)0.088 (0.034)<0.0001
Liver0.032 (0.0036)0.041 (0.0045)<0.0001
Lungs0.0067 (0.0008)0.0085 (0.0010)<0.0001
OvariesNA0.014 (0.0007)NA
Pancreas0.017 (0.0023)0.021 (0.0027)<0.0001
Prostate0.021 (0.013)NANA
Salivary glands0.0082 (0.0010)0.010 (0.0012)<0.0001
Red marrow0.010 (0.0006)0.012 (0.0008)<0.0001
Osteogenic cells0.0085 (0.0006)0.0089 (0.0007)<0.0001
Spleen0.013 (0.0020)0.016 (0.0023)<0.0001
Testes0.013 (0.0058)NANA
Thymus0.0089 (0.0010)0.011 (0.0012)<0.0001
Thyroid0.0085 (0.0010)0.010 (0.0012)<0.0001
Urinary bladder wall0.15 (0.034)0.19 (0.043)<0.0001
UterusNA0.029 (0.015)NA
Total body0.011 (0.0009)0.014 (0.0010)<0.0001
Effective dose (mSv/MBq)0.016 (0.0008)0.021 (0.0012)<0.0001
  • * Paired t test.

  • NA = not applicable.

  • Data are mean followed by SD in parentheses.