Development of Imaging Biomarkers for Clinical Trials

DiscoveryIdentification of candidate structures; in vitro testing for best compounds; optimization of radiolabelingGood yield, high specific activity, stability
AssessmentAffinityPostmortem human brain homogenates or sections, Ki < 1 nM
Selectivity>200-fold selectivity
LipophilicityLog D7.4 = 2 to 3.5
Stability4 half-lives
Blood–brain barrierP-glycoprotein substrate (MDR1-MDCK) < 20
Metabolite identificationEx vivo analysis (characterize all major metabolites with radiolabel)
ValidationCorrelation and safetyHigh signal-to-noise ratio; correlation with histopathology; correlation with clinical dosimetry
Quantitative accuracyFull kinetic modeling, including arterial input function corrected for metabolites; streamlining of protocol for clinical use; testing–retesting of all outcome measures
ApplicationLogistic feasibilityProduction/distribution network; imaging site technical standardization