RELAINCE Guidelines

Class of evaluationRecommendation
Proof of concept evaluationEnsure no overlap between development and testing cohort.
Check that ground-truth quality is reasonable.
Provide comparison with conventional and state-of-the-art methods.
Choose figures of merit that motivate further clinical evaluation.
Technical task-specific evaluationChoose clinically relevant tasks: Detection/quantification/combination of both.
Determine the right study type: Simulation/phantom/clinical.
Ensure that simulation studies are realistic and account for population variability.
Testing cohort should be external.
Reference standard should be high quality and correspond to the task.
Use a reliable strategy to extract task-specific information.
Choose figures of merit that quantify task performance.
Clinical evaluationDetermine study type: Retrospective, prospective observational, prospective interventional, or postdeployment real-world studies.
Testing cohort must be external.
Collected data should represent the target population as stated in the claim.
Reference standard should be high quality and be representative of those used for clinical decision making.
Figure of merit should reflect performance on clinical decision making.
Postdeployment evaluationMonitor devices and follow reporting guidelines.
Consider phantom studies as sanity checks to assess routine performance.
Periodically monitor data drift.
For off-label evaluation, follow recommendations as in clinical/technical evaluation depending on objective.