Sensitivity of 18F-DOPA PET/CT and 68Ga-NODAGA-Exendin-4 PET/CT Based on Clinical and Study Readings

Parameter18F-DOPA PET/CT68Ga-NODAGA-exendin-4 PET/CT
Focal lesions detected on clinical reading (n)10/14 (71%)14/14 (100%)
Sensitivity* based on…
 Clinical reading71% (95% CI, 42%–92%)100% (95% CI, 77%–100%)
 Expert reading86% (95% CI, 57%–98%)93% (95% CI, 66%–100%)
 Joint reading100% (95% CI, 77%–100%)100% (95% CI, 77%–100%)
  • *Data are value and 95% confidence interval, calculated for cases with focal lesions only.