Model Performances for Each Classification

ClassificationAUCSensitivity (%)Specificity (%)Accuracy (%)PPV (%)NPV (%)
IDH-positive vs. IDH-negative (LR_L2 and 5 features selected)0.831 (0.790–0.873)77.0 (72.5–81.4)70.7 (63.0–78.3)74.7 (71.4–78.4)82.5 (78.5–86.7)70.9 (64.9–76.6)
1p19q-positive vs. 1p19q-negative (SVM_RBF and 15 features selected)0.724 (0.669–0.782)55.0 (43.0–66.0)72.3 (66.7–78.5)67.0 (62.5–71.2)39.6 (30.4–48.3)84.2 (80.5–88.2)
  • PPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value; IDH-positive = IDH mutant gliomas; IDH-negative = IDH wild-type gliomas; LR_L2 = logistic regression with L2 regularization algorithm; 1p19q-positive = 1p/19q codeleted gliomas; 1p19q-negative = gliomas not 1p/19q codeleted; SVM_RBF = support vector machine with radial basis function kernel algorithm.

  • Data are mean followed by 95% CI in parentheses.