PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Taylor, Stephan F. AU - Frey, Kirk A. AU - Baldwin, Ronald M. AU - Papadopoulos, Stephen M. AU - Petry, Neil A. AU - Rogers, W. Leslie AU - McBride, Bill J. AU - Kerr, Janice M. AU - Kuhl, David E. TI - Technetium-99m-N1-(2-Mercapto-2-Methylpropyl)-N2-(2-Propargylthio-2-Methylpropyl)-1,2-Benzenediamine (T691): Preclinical Studies of a Potential New Tracer of Regional Cerebral Perfusion DP - 1992 Oct 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine PG - 1836--1842 VI - 33 IP - 10 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Nucl Med1992 Oct 01; 33