RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Proposal for Systemic-Therapy Response-Assessment Criteria at the Time of PSMA PET/CT Imaging: The PSMA PET Progression Criteria JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine JO J Nucl Med FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 678 OP 682 DO 10.2967/jnumed.119.233817 VO 61 IS 5 A1 Fanti, Stefano A1 Hadaschik, Boris A1 Herrmann, Ken YR 2020 UL http://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/61/5/678.abstract AB In around 20% of men with prostate cancer, metastasis develops during the course of their disease. Accordingly, discovering and developing new potent treatment strategies for patients with metastatic prostate cancer has been a major research focus during the last few decades. Identifying disease progression, especially within clinical trials, is essential in determining drug effectiveness. One major remaining question is how best to define disease progression. The criteria of the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Working Group (PCWG2) include clinical and laboratory parameters, as well as conventional imaging modalities such as MRI, CT, and bone scan findings, but advanced molecular imaging techniques, especially prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET findings, are not considered. This is a problem because PSMA PET is used not only for detecting biochemical recurrence but also for restaging and as an intermediate-endpoint biomarker in ongoing clinical trials. Therefore, response criteria and PSMA PET progression (PPP) criteria need to be established with some urgency. The intent of this article is therefore to define prostate cancer progression by PSMA PET criteria. Our PPP proposal is based on the same principles as were applied for the PCGW2 criteria but adds value by including PSMA PET criteria. PPP defines PSMA treatment response using 3 different criteria. The first is the appearance of 2 or more new PSMA-positive distant lesions. The second is the appearance of 1 new PSMA-positive lesion plus consistent clinical or laboratory data and recommended confirmation by biopsy or correlative imaging within 3 mo of PSMA PET. The third is an increase in size or PSMA uptake of 1 or more existing lesions by at least 30%, plus consistent clinical or laboratory data or confirmation by biopsy or correlative imaging within 3 mo of PSMA PET.