RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Summary of the UPICT Protocol for 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging in Oncology Clinical Trials JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine JO J Nucl Med FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 955 OP 961 DO 10.2967/jnumed.115.158402 VO 56 IS 6 A1 Graham, Michael M. A1 Wahl, Richard L. A1 Hoffman, John M. A1 Yap, Jeffrey T. A1 Sunderland, John J. A1 Boellaard, Ronald A1 Perlman, Eric S. A1 Kinahan, Paul E. A1 Christian, Paul E. A1 Hoekstra, Otto S. A1 Dorfman, Gary S. YR 2015 UL http://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/56/6/955.abstract AB The Uniform Protocols for Imaging in Clinical Trials (UPICT) 18F-FDG PET/CT protocol is intended to guide the performance of whole-body FDG PET/CT studies within the context of single- and multiple-center clinical trials of oncologic therapies by providing acceptable (minimum), target, and ideal standards for all phases of imaging. The aim is to minimize variability in intra- and intersubject, intra- and interplatform, interexamination, and interinstitutional primary or derived data. The goal of this condensed version of the much larger document is to make readers aware of the general content and subject area. The document has several main subjects: context of the imaging protocol within the clinical trial; site selection, qualification, and training; subject scheduling; subject preparation; imaging-related substance preparation and administration; imaging procedure; image postprocessing; image analysis; image interpretation; archiving and distribution of data; quality control; and imaging-associated risks and risk management.