PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Erdi, Yusuf E. AU - Nehmeh, Sadek A. AU - Mulnix, Tim AU - Humm, John L. AU - Watson, Charles C. TI - PET Performance Measurements for an LSO-Based Combined PET/CT Scanner Using the National Electrical Manufacturers Association NU 2-2001 Standard DP - 2004 May 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine PG - 813--821 VI - 45 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Nucl Med2004 May 01; 45 AB - Results of performance measurements for a lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO)-based PET/CT scanner using new National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NU 2-2001 standards are reported. Methods: Performance measurements following the NU 2-2001 standards were performed on an LSO-based PET/CT scanner. In addition, issues associated with the application of the NEMA standard to LSO-based tomographs in the presence of intrinsic radiation are discussed. Results: We report on some difficulties experienced in following the suggested NEMA measurement techniques and describe alternative approaches. Measurements with the new standard (as compared with NU-1994) incorporate the effects of activity outside the scanner and facilitate measurements of the entire axial field of view. Realistic clinical conditions are also simulated in image quality measurements of a torso phantom. Conclusion: We find that, with appropriate modifications, NU 2-2001 can be successfully applied to LSO-based scanners.