RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 99mTc-Tetrofosmin SPECT for Prediction of Functional Recovery Defined by MRI in Patients with Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction: Additional Value of Gated SPECT JF Journal of Nuclear Medicine JO J Nucl Med FD Society of Nuclear Medicine SP 1824 OP 1831 VO 40 IS 11 A1 Stollfuss, Jens C. A1 Haas, Felix A1 Matsunari, Ichiro A1 Neverve, Jodi A1 Nekolla, Stephan A1 Ziegler, Sybille A1 Schwaiger, Markus YR 1999 UL http://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/40/11/1824.abstract AB