PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Vadivelu, Kousigan AU - Hiller, Jay AU - Brannon, Dale AU - Rehman, Bilal TI - <strong>COMMON PEDIATRIC NUCLEAR MEDICINE IMAGING STUDIES: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW</strong> DP - 2022 Aug 01 TA - Journal of Nuclear Medicine PG - 2664--2664 VI - 63 IP - supplement 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Nucl Med2022 Aug 01; 63 AB - 2664 Introduction: TEACHING POINTSUse of radiation leading to high radiation doses in pediatric population is a limiting factor for diagnostic imaging in pediatric population. Nuclear Medicine uses limited gamma radiation via radioisotopes which limits the radiation dose. As a functional imaging modality, nuclear medicine in pediatrics plays a pivotal role in diagnosis and follow up of oncologic and non-oncologic pathologies. Radiology residents get limited exposure to pediatric nuclear medicine studies. Hence, a comprehensive review of common pediatric nuclear medicine exams would be helpful to confidently diagnose and would provide a reference for radiology residents.Methods: See ResultsResults: TABLE OF CONTENTS/OUTLINE Indications for Nuclear Medicine imaging in pediatric population. Role of Nuclear Medicine in Pediatric Emergencies. Discuss the role of: PET/CT vs other nuclear medicine oncologic imaging such as MIBG exams. Classic appearances of common pediatric pathologies on nuclear medicine imaging.Conclusions: Create a table with radioisotopes, imaging studies and diagnostic findings in pediatric nuclear medicine for the purpose of reference for radiology residents.