In nuclear medicine, estimating the number of radioactive decays that occur in a source organ per unit administered activity of a radiopharmaceutical (i.e., the time-integrated activity coefficient [TIAC]) is an essential task within the internal dosimetry workflow. TIAC estimation is commonly derived by least-squares fitting of various exponential models to organ time–activity data (radiopharmaceutical biodistribution). Rarely, however, are methods used to objectively determine the model that best characterizes the data. Additionally, the uncertainty associated with the resultant TIAC is generally not evaluated. As part of the MIRDsoft initiative, MIRDfit has been developed to offer a biodistribution fitting software solution that provides the following essential features and advantages for internal dose assessment: nuclear medicine–appropriate fit functions; objective metrics for guiding best-fit selection; TIAC uncertainty calculation; quality control and data archiving; integration with MIRDcalc software for dose calculation; and a user-friendly Excel-based interface. For demonstration and comparative validation of MIRDfit’s performance, TIACs were derived from serial imaging studies involving 18F-FDG and 177Lu-DOTATATE using MIRDfit. These TIACs were then compared with TIAC estimates obtained using other software. In most cases, the TIACs agreed within approximately 10% between MIRDfit and the other software. MIRDfit has been endorsed by the MIRD Committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and has been integrated into the MIRDsoft suite of free dosimetry software; it is available for download at no user cost (https://mirdsoft.org/).
Internal dosimetry estimates are required to ensure patient safety for new imaging radiopharmaceuticals and to predict tumor or normal-tissue responses to radiopharmaceutical therapy. However, these estimates are user- and software-dependent (1). Therefore, understanding and accurately estimating uncertainties in dosimetry estimates are essential to inform subsequent clinical decisions based on these calculations. Quantifying uncertainties allows practitioners to assess the reliability of the dosimetric estimates, offering a range of potential outcomes rather than a single value. This insight is crucial for treatment planning, treatment optimization, and risk assessment, as it enables evaluation of the potential variations in radiation dose and the corresponding implications on patient safety and treatment effectiveness.
Routine nuclear medicine dosimetry is often performed using the organ-level MIRD formalism (2), which is implemented in both commercial and open-source software, including the recently-released MIRDcalc (3) endorsed by the MIRD committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. The input for such software typically comprises time-integrated activity coefficients (TIACs) for source regions (e.g., tumor, organs, or other tissues) of a computational anthropomorphic phantom. The TIAC represents the cumulative number of radioactive decays that occur in a source region, normalized to the administered activity. MIRDcalc estimates uncertainties in the input TIACs and propagates these to obtain the uncertainties in the absorbed doses calculated from them, consistent with pioneering software applications (4,5) and the recommendations of the European Association for Nuclear Medicine dosimetry committee for dosimetry uncertainty analysis and reporting (6,7).
Estimation of the TIAC is conceptually simple—one must compute the time integral of the fraction of administered activity in each source region. However, several approaches exist for TIAC estimation from time–activity curve data, including numeric methods such as trapezoidal integration, regression-based methods such as analytic integration of fitted time–activity functions, and compartmental modeling strategies. To characterize which methods are in common use in the field of nuclear medicine dosimetry, original research articles published in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine during 2020 and 2021 that contained the keyword dosimetry in the title were surveyed, and the results were filtered to include articles that pertained to specific radiopharmaceutical biodistribution and safety studies (Fig. 1). Of these 19 publications, 74% used regression, 21% used the trapezoidal method, and 5% used an unspecified integration method. For regression analyses, a variety of standard software applications was used, including OLINDA/EXM (8) (21%), QDOSE (9) (14%), Origin (14%), Microsoft Excel (7%), and SAAM II (10) (7%). Notably, we found no attempts to objectively determine which model best characterized the data, and only 1 case considered propagation of uncertainty.
MIRDfit, the software described in this article, is a nuclear medicine–specific biodistribution-fitting software companion to MIRDcalc (11,12), which together enable reproducible dosimetry calculations with associated uncertainties. Features of MIRDfit include nuclear medicine–appropriate fit functions; objective metrics for guiding best fit function selection; TIAC uncertainty estimation; an option for trapezoidal integration, with standardized options for estimating uptake and clearance before or after the experimental measurement interval; quality control (QC) and data archiving; integration with MIRDcalc software for dose calculation; and a user-friendly, graphically informative Excel-based interface.
MIRDfit was developed as part of the MIRDsoft initiative, which contributes vetted and freely accessible dosimetry tools to the nuclear medicine community. The purpose of this pamphlet is to describe the development and demonstrate the features of MIRDfit. MIRDfit is available for free download (https://mirdsoft.org/).
MIRDfit is a compiled Excel document that includes Visual Basic for Applications patches that control the graphical user interface and automate processing. The use of Excel as a development platform offers several advantages over traditional compiled code, including traceability of the calculations, ease of access, and broad familiarity among users. MIRDfit can be used on Microsoft Windows operating systems running Excel 2019 or later. A screenshot of the interface is shown in Figure 2.
Workflow and Features
The dashboard-style interface of MIRDfit is designed to support a case-oriented workflow, enabling export of all TIACs and related information for further processing or archiving. The interface is partitioned into 5 modules, which are described in detail below and in Figure 3.
Study Setup
The study setup module specifies the radionuclide of interest and allows the selection of a source region list. Preset source region lists for the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) reference phantom are available (13–15). A utility to define tumor source regions is also provided, which allows tumor volume and composition to be specified easily. Alternatively, the user may manually define a source region list.
Biodistribution Input
On selection of a source region, the user may enter the respective biokinetic data; the source region uptake values may be expressed as percentage of administered activity decay-corrected to time of administration (i.e., reflecting biologic uptake and clearance [biologic percentage injected activity]) or as non–decay-corrected values (i.e., reflecting effective uptake and clearance [effective percentage injected activity]). The times after administration of the uptake values must be entered in units of hours. Notably, the uptake values can be obtained from various measurements, including regions or volumes of interest defined on images, γ-counting of blood samples or biopsy samples, dissective biodistribution measurements (e.g., for small-animal dosimetry), in vitro cellular assays (e.g., for cell-level dosimetry), or other methods tailored to the user’s specific needs.
Optionally, for each datum the user may supply uncertainties that define the weighting factors used in weighted least-squares regression. The uncertainties may be input either as the SD of each observation or as fractional SD (i.e., coefficient of variation); in these cases, the weighting factors are calculated as the inverse of the variance. The weights for each datum may also be entered directly. If the user opts to ignore these inputs, a default fractional SD of 0.1 will be assigned for the purposes of data weighting, as the mathematics of curve fitting requires some assignment of weight.
Trapezoidal Integration
The trapezoidal method generally involves 3 steps: the first is to approximate the area under the curve between successive measurements as trapezoidal areas, the second is to estimate the area under the curve between the time of administration of the radiopharmaceutical and the time of the first measurement, and the third is to estimate the area under the curve between the final time of measurement and the end of the integration period (commonly taken as infinity). For steps 2 and 3, various built-in assumptions may be applied. For example, elimination of activity beyond the last measurement time point is often assumed to occur by radioactive decay only; however, sometimes a linear or an exponential function is fit to the last 2 time points. Numerous methods for estimating these contributions to the total area under the curve are user-selectable in MIRDfit. Because of the subjective nature of these choices, MIRDfit provides no estimate of the uncertainty of the TIAC result for the trapezoidal method.
The trapezoidal method has been implemented in MIRDfit for several reasons. First, it continues to be widely used in the field (Fig. 1). Second, it provides a robust and quickly computable initial estimate for the TIAC that is useful for visualization and QC of regression results. Finally, it may be useful in the event that the time–activity curve cannot be reliably fit by any mathematic model.
Regression-Based Integration
Radiopharmaceutical biokinetics are often adequately described by simple sums of exponential functions. The nuclear medicine–appropriate exponential models included in MIRDfit are given in Table 1. Models become available to the user once the appropriate number of observations (time–activity data values) have been entered into the biodistribution input module. The user may select any or all available models to carry forward for regression analysis.
MIRDfit implements the SOLVER and SOLVERSTAT Excel add-ins for weighted least-squares regression and statistics analysis; these add-ins are described in detail elsewhere (16). SOLVER and SOLVERSTAT have been in use for over a decade and have been extensively tested and validated. Briefly, SOLVER is an optimizer that, in the present case, finds values of model parameters that minimize the sum of squares of weighted residuals. SOLVER’s generalized reduced gradient nonlinear optimization method is used in MIRDfit. SOLVERSTAT provides statistical analysis of the result, including the estimates of parameter precision, covariances, correlation, and discrimination between different models. Minor modifications to the SOLVERSTAT Visual Basic for Applications code were made to enable automation, but no changes were made to its order of operations or formulae. Using the SOLVER-optimized parameters, MIRDfit computes TIACs using the analytic expressions for the integrals of the fit functions. MIRDfit computes the SE of the TIAC via error propagation using the SEs of the parameters and covariances output by SOLVERSTAT.
For each candidate model, MIRDfit reports the TIAC, the TIAC uncertainty, and metrics for evaluation of goodness of the fit and model discrimination. Visual aids for identifying potential issues are also provided. If there are at least 2 more observations than model parameters (i.e., ≥2 degrees of freedom), model discrimination can be performed using the corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc). MIRDfit adopts the approach of the NUKFIT software (4) for model discrimination. Briefly, the AICc is a reproducible and objective metric for model discrimination (17). It balances the goodness of the fit with the simplicity of the model; that is, both overfitting (excess parameters in a model) and underfitting (discrepancy between the optimized model and data) are penalized. MIRDfit computes the Akaike weight (4,18), , for each candidate model from the respective AICc: Eq. 1where is the corrected AIC for the ith model, is the minimum AICc of all candidate models, and n is the number of candidate models being compared. The Akaike weight indicates the relative probability that a particular model is the best model; the Akaike weights are used for model averaging if multiple models are supported by the data.
MIRDfit Shelf (Saved Fit Results)
It is the responsibility of the user to perform reasonable QC and select the best fit based on the corrected AIC and other fit metrics, knowledge of realistic values for model parameters, distribution of weighted residuals, and other relevant factors. The user may elect to use a single fit result (e.g., if one model is clearly superior) or model averaging (e.g., if multiple models are supported by the data). Alternatively, the trapezoidal method result may be used (e.g., if no model adequately fits the data). For each source region, the user’s choices are saved in a table designated the shelf, so that the complete set of source region TIACs can be reviewed and exported once the time–activity data for all desired source regions have been fit. The exported results are formatted for immediate import into the MIRDcalc software for dosimetry calculations.
Additional Features and Utilities
Voiding Bladder Module
The voiding bladder model of Cloutier et al. (19–21) is implemented as a module of MIRDfit. This model allows the TIAC for the urinary bladder content source region to be estimated by a whole-body retention curve fit and an assumed regular voiding schedule.
Source Region Visualization
A source region display widget has been implemented as an educational and QC feature. This widget displays a graphic of selected source regions of ICRP anthropomorphic phantoms; it may assist users in, for example, confirming that the appropriate source region is selected or defining volumes of interest in tomographic images such that they match the source regions of the phantoms appropriately.
Limitations and Pitfalls
Several limitations of MIRDfit are acknowledged. First, the reliability of MIRDfit’s output is dependent on the quality and accuracy of the user’s inputs; errors in data input, and inadequacies of the experimental design or protocol, will propagate through the entire analysis, potentially resulting in dosimetric errors. The sparsity of biokinetic data typically acquired in radiopharmaceutical imaging can lead to inaccuracies, particularly when critical phases of a time–activity curve are undersampled—for example, too few time points, inappropriate spacing between time points, or unreasonable extrapolation beyond the data range (especially if the early- or late-phase kinetics deviate substantially from exponential behavior). For application in theranostics, systematic differences in the biokinetics of the therapeutic agent and (nonidentical) imaging surrogate should be considered. The correctness of the uncertainties provided for the activity measurements is important for nonbiased weighted least-squares regression; outliers, particularly those with underestimated uncertainties, may also substantially bias the fit. Additionally, MIRDfit uses a limited number of fit functions that are simple sums of exponentials. Although such functions can reasonably approximate the biokinetics of various radiopharmaceuticals, cases of complex biokinetic patterns may not be adequately modeled.
An exhaustive review of the limitations and pitfalls of time–activity curve fitting is outside the scope of the present article; further information has been previously published (1,17).
Over the course of development, the MIRDfit development team has thoroughly tested the appropriate implementation of interface controls, biokinetic fitting functions, and supporting databases in-house. The performance and functionality of MIRDfit were independently vetted and endorsed by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging MIRD committee. Two test cases are provided here to demonstrate agreement with other software that is widely used for TIAC estimation.
Test Case: 18F-FDG
Serial PET imaging time–activity data for intravenously administered 18F-FDG were obtained from the literature (22); the rationale for using these particular data is the abundance of imaging time points (n = 9), which allows for comparison of multiple fit models via the corrected AIC. Briefly, the time–activity data for the heart wall, brain, liver, and kidneys (22) were transformed into fractions of the administered activity in each source region by scaling the activity concentrations by the corresponding blood-inclusive source region masses of the ICRP adult male reference phantom implemented in MIRDcalc/MIRDfit. Mono- and biexponential functions were fit to the resulting time–activity data using MIRDfit. The model best supported by the data was determined using the corrected AIC (as depicted in Fig. 4). This model was subsequently fitted with SAAM II (10) (widely considered to be the gold standard for fitting of pharmacokinetic data) and NUKFIT, thereby enabling a direct comparison of the TIACs and their associated uncertainties (Table 2).
Test Case: 177Lu-DOTATATE
For the 177Lu-DOTATATE test case, published peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) SPECT imaging data (23) were used to compare MIRDfit TIAC computation results with those obtained using various other platforms, including Dosimetry Toolkit version 3.0423 (DTK) from Xeleris, STRATOS version 3.2 revision 6289(64) from Philips, Hybrid Dosimetry Module from HERMES (which incorporates OLINDA/EXM version 2.0), PLANET OncoDose version 3.1.1 from DOSIsoft (PDOSE), SurePlan MRT version 6.9.3 from MIM, OLINDA/EXM version 1.0, SAAM II version 1.1.1, and NUKFIT. These calculations were based on image segmentations of serial SPECT acquisitions from 2 patients (1 man and 1 woman) who underwent 2 cycles of 177Lu-DOTATATE PRRT (23). Importantly, the TIAC computations in MIRDfit, PDOSE, MIM, SAAM II, NUKFIT, and OLINDA/EXM version 1.0 are all derived from the same segmentation. TIAC values obtained from the remaining software programs are based on distinct segmentations that were defined using the available segmentation tools within each software. Each segmentation was performed by the same operator. In all cases, a 4-parameter biexponential function was used to fit the data.
For most of the other software applications, the TIACs agreed within approximately 10% (i.e., percentage coefficient of variation). A summary of the fit results is given in Figure 5.
MIRDfit is a flexible software application for integration of internalized radionuclide time–activity data. Although primarily oriented toward organ-level nuclear medicine dosimetry, it can also be used in the radiation protection setting or specialized areas including cell-level dosimetry. MIRDfit is designed to work as a companion to the MIRDcalc software, whereby TIAC and TIAC uncertainty estimates generated with MIRDfit can be forwarded to MIRDcalc, which propagates uncertainties across S value tables to obtain uncertainties in the absorbed dose and effective dose coefficients.
Medicine continues to move toward more personalized treatments, in which one strives to deliver the right treatment to the right patient at the right time and at the right dose. In personalized nuclear medicine, the right dose may be considered to be the administered activity of a radiopharmaceutical that does not exceed the established thresholds for adverse effects. It is accepted that the radiopharmaceutical administration-to-dosimetry path is rife with uncertainties, and therefore in practice the applicable dose limits are often conservative. Theranostic radiopharmaceuticals have a unique advantage over chemotherapies in that the drug distribution is quantifiable. An underutilized concept is that the radiation dose uncertainties are also quantifiable. An aspiration of MIRDfit/MIRDcalc is to empower the field of internal dosimetry to establish adequate quantification of the dosimetric uncertainties. This applies to personalized dosimetry as well as population-level assessments; the more accurately the uncertainties in individual patient-absorbed doses can be established, the greater will be the confidence in dose thresholds for adverse effects. This would potentially allow upward adjustments to current conservative safety margins for therapeutic administrations, allowing increased lesional absorbed doses and, therefore, increased probabilities for curative outcome.
Estimation of uncertainties in organ-level dosimetry is challenging because of the complexities involved and the lack of user-friendly tools. MIRDfit is based on an accepted and objective methodology for estimation of source region TIACs with associated uncertainty, along with QC measures to promote robust and reliable results. The accessibility of MIRDfit may support standardized methods for curve fitting within the field of internal dosimetry.
This research was funded in part through NIH/NCI Cancer Center support grant P30 CA008748 and NIH U01 EB028234. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
This work was done in collaboration with the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging MIRD committee: Vikram Adhikarla, Rachael Barbee, Wesley Bolch, Yuni Dewaraja, William Erwin, Valentina Ferri, Darrell Fisher, Roger Howell, Oleksandra Ivaschenko, Adam Kesner, Richard Laforest, Ruby Meridith, Joseph Rajendran, George Sgouros, Carlos Uribe, and Pat B. Zanzonico (chair). We thank Dr. Pat Zanzonico from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for providing guidance and support for the MIRDsoft development effort and for providing helpful discussions and editorial support for this article. We thank Drs. Erick Mora, Manuel Bardiès, and Emmanuel Deshayes for sharing anonymized TIAC measurements to support this work. The MIRDfit software aids a user in performing curve-fitting calculations for a variety of uses. MIRDfit is intended for educational and research use only. MIRDfit has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is not intended for clinical use or use as a medical device. MIRDfit and any results generated from its use are not substitutes for medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment of specific medical conditions.
Published online Sep. 26, 2024.
- © 2024 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.
- Received for publication April 26, 2024.
- Accepted for publication August 28, 2024.