Introduction: Pattern recognition is widely used in nuclear medicine, which allows for a confident diagnosis or may help narrow down the differential. This exhibit reviews and highlights the various incidental but usually characteristic Genito-urinary uptake patterns and lesions seen on a bone scan.
Methods: A pictorial review of various incidental but usually characteristic Genito-urinary uptake patterns and lesions seen on a bone scan are illustrated in this educational exhibit. Multimodality correlation is provided in the majority of cases.
Results: Pictorial review (approximately 30 interesting cases) of Genito-urinary uptake patterns and lesions seen on a bone scan with multimodality correlation are highlighted in this exhibit. Patterns/lesions include dehydration, drug toxicity, Hydronephrosis (unilateral and bilateral), Horseshoe kidney, transplant kidney, Duplicated ureters, ureterocele, Colo-vesicular fistula, Effects of End-stage renal failure and calciphylaxis (soft tissue and visceral calcifications), urinary bladder diverticulum, inguinal bladder hernia, Urinary retention, ureteric reflux, renal mass, calyceal diverticulum, Prostatomegaly, fibroid uptake, Mass effect on the urinary bladder from pelvic malignancy, poor target to non-target ratio in patients with renal failure, neuroblastoma uptake, photopenic osseous lesions in RCC.
Conclusions: The pictorial review highlights the various characteristic and usually incidental Genito-urinary patterns/lesions on a bone scan that a nuclear Radiologist should be aware of.