Introduction: Radiopharmaceutical therapies with 177Lu and 225Ac labelled pharmaceuticals are increasing in popularity and have shown success in the treatment of malignancies such as prostate and neuroendocrine cancers. However, the dose deposition of 177Lu and 225Ac are different at the cellular level due to the differing properties between beta and alpha emissions, such as the particle range, the number of particle interactions, and the energy deposition in their tracks. Internalization properties of the pharmaceutical, i.e. whether the pharmaceutical crosses the membrane into the cytoplasm, may also impact the therapeutic efficacy. This work aims to compare S-values and relative absorbed dose rates to the nucleus, nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and membrane of a LNCaP prostate cancer cell irradiated with either 177Lu or 225Ac. While this work focuses on the macroscopic quantities such as absorbed dose, our long term goal is to incorporate microdosimetry and evaluate the energy deposition on a microscopic level.
Methods: A spherical LNCaP prostate cancer cell was modelled using GATE version 9.0. The cell model includes the nucleus, nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and membrane which were all water density. The radii of the nucleus and the cytoplasm were based off of the corresponding areas of human LNCaP cells and were 4.48 um and 6.74 um respectively, while each membrane was 5 nm thick. For simulations, the cell was suspended in water and the cytoplasm or membrane was filled with a homogeneous activity distribution of 177Lu or 225Ac. Simulations were performed separately for the cytoplasm and membrane. 3D matrices (0.18x0.18x0.18 um) were created containing information about the absorbed dose deposited in each voxel. Separate scoring matrices were created for each cell region and were used to calculate S-values. To determine the relative dose rates of a PSMA targeting compound labelled with 177Lu and 225Ac, the ratio of uptake in the cytoplasm and membrane was assessed using a standardized internalization assay in which LNCaP cells were incubated with a 177Lu labelled PSMA targeting ligand. The activity in each cell region was determined at multiple time points by cleaving the cellular surface proteins using an acid wash and subsequently measuring the activity per region using a gamma counter. The calculated S-values were combined with the cytoplasm to membrane ratio at the 120 minute time point to estimate the relative absorbed dose rates to the cell regions between 177Lu and 225Ac.
Results: The calculated S-values are summarized in Table 1. The S-values from the cytoplasm and membrane to the nucleus were 3.03x10-4 Gy/Bqs and 1.91x10-4 Gy/Bqs from 177Lu, and 3.92x10-2 Gy/Bqs and 2.29x10-2 Gy/Bqs from 225Ac, respectively. This corresponds to a 160% and 170% higher dose rate to the nucleus from 177Lu and 225Ac respectively when the radiopharmaceutical is internalized into the cell compared to being present only in the membrane. At 120 minutes, the ratio of activity in the membrane to the cytoplasm was 1:2.32. At this time, the relative absorbed dose rates to the nucleus, nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and cell membrane were 127.3, 121.1, 119.0, and 116.0 times higher with 225Ac than 177Lu respectively.
Conclusions: Our model suggests that for a given radioactivity, 225Ac therapy is 100 times more effective at delivering radiation energy to cancer cells compared to 177Lu. Futhermore, radiopharmaceuticals which are internalized into the cell may be significantly more effective at cell kill. The next step is to expand our model into the realm of microdosimetry by incorporating lineal energy and specific energy at the cellular or regional levels. We also aim to find correlations between this work and the cell’s biological response to therapy, such as the number of double stranded DNA breaks after incubation with radiolabelled compounds.