Objectives: To screen the factors that are conducive to prolonging the effective half-life of 131I, and to provide a basis for selecting more suitable patients for the treatment of hyperthyroidism with lithium carbonate assisted radioactive 131I.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 61 patients who received lithium carbonate adjuvant therapy before 131I treatment. The paired sample t test was used to compare the changes in the effective half-life of 131I patients before and after taking lithium carbonate. The test was compared using the 2 test and the rank sum test. The linear regression model analyzes factors that are conducive to extending the effective half-life.
Results: Lithium carbonate can increase the iodine uptake and effective half-life. The FT3 and 4h iodine uptake are factors that affect the effective half-life of 131I after taking lithium. The 4h iodine uptake is the key factor that can significantly extend the effective half-life after taking lithium.
Conclusions: Patients with hyperthyroidism who have a low iodine uptake rate at 4h taking lithium carbonate are the most beneficial for prolonging the effective half-life.