Article Figures & Data
Characteristic HER2+ (n = 11) HER2– (n = 7) Median age (y) 59 y (age range, 35–75 y) 61 y (age range, 40–71 y) Hormone receptor and HER2 status of recurrence ER and PR receptors ER- and/or PR-positive 6 3 ER-negative and PR-negative 5 4 HER2 IHC1+ 4 IHC2+ 3 3 IHC3+ 8 Prior HER2-directed therapy Trastuzumab for metastasis 8 (79 d–36 mo) None 3 7 Sites of metastatic disease measured for SUVmax Bone 24 12 Lymph nodes 23 10 Liver 6 0 Lung 6 3 Other* 2 3 Breast/chest wall† 5 5 Tumor volume (cm3)‡ Mean 5.8 12.2 SE 0.9 2.7 ↵* Pulmonary effusion (HER2+) or body wall outside breast region.
↵† Breast or chest wall adjacent to breast.
↵‡ Volume within isocontour of 18F-FDG tumor image approximately matching boundary of CT correlate.
HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; ER= estrogen receptor; PR= progesterone receptor; IHC = immunohistochemistry; SE = standard error.