Objectives Here we report the radio-synthesis and evaluation of a novel [18F]-TKP PET probe for non invasive brain Aβ deposits and neurofibrillary tangles imaging. TKPF is designed by considering structure-activity relationship (SAR) relating both K18Δ280-tau (Tau) receptor and β-amyloid1-42 receptor (Aβ). [18F]-TKP probe has been radio-synthesized in high labeling yield and simple purification procedure by automatic synthesizer. The resulted [18F]-TKP probe has been further evaluated by bio-distribution and other advanced molecular imaging equipments for further clinical translation study.
Methods Precursor THKP compound was synthesized in ten liner steps using 4-Nitrocinnamaldehyde and 4-Methoxyphenethylamine as starting materials. The corresponding reference compound TKPF were synthesized and fully characterized. [18F]-TKP was directly radiolabeled THKP with fluorine-18 ions by nucleophilic substitution using automatic synthesizer. Quality controls of radiolabeled compound [18F]-TKP were fully conducted. The dissociation constant (Kd) of [18F]-TKP to Tau, Aβ and Tau-Aβ mixer receptors were tested by saturation binding experiments. Micro-PET imagines were acquired after intravenous injection of [18F]-TKP in female sprague dawley (SD) rats. Biodistribution of the 18F-probes was performed. The fused PET/MRI imaging of [18F]-TKP in main regions of SD rat brain was also conducted.
Results Totally synthesis chemical yield of precursor compound (THKP) in liner ten steps is 4.5%. The corresponding reference compound of TKPF was synthesized in six steps and with 11.2% chemical yield. [18F]-TKP was radio-labeled by automatic synthesizer with 20% radiolabeling yield (decay-corrected). The specific activity of [18F]-TKP is up to 0.7-1.5 Ci/µmol. The binding affinity of [18F]-TKP with Tau, Aβ and Tau-Aβ mixer were determined to be 1.1 nM, 0.44 nM, 0.25 nM, respectively. Biodistribution study revealed that [18F]-TKP displayed slowly brain wash out from 40 seconds to 60 min (brain uptake from 0.43±0.04 to 0.32±0.02 %ID/g, respectively). At the same time, the blood uptake was 3.68±0.77 and 1.93±1.01 %ID/g, respectively. The liver uptake can reached up to 67.43±3.52 %ID/g uptake at 35 min after injection, suggesting that this radiotracer might be mainly excreted through the liver-kidney route. The bone uptake was always lower than 1.4 %ID/g means 18F didn’t dissociation or decomposed from [18F]-TKP in rats. In vivo Micro-PET images of [18F]-TKP tracer displayed higher liver uptake. The PET/MR of [18F]-TKP also confirmed this finding.
Conclusions By design, radio-synthesis, and revaluation of [18F]-TKP PET tracer, we undertook an investigation of novel small molecular which can bind both Tau and Aβ receptors. [18F]-TKP was labeled by 18F in good radiochemical purity by automatic synthesizer. The bio-distribution study, Micro-PET and PET/MR studies also suggested [18F]-TKP could be potential PET imaging agents for brain Aβ deposits and neurofibrillary tangles. Research Support This study is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 81271516 and 81571345), Program of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (Project No. 13JC1401503 and 14DZ1930402), Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission (Project No: 2013313) and Shanghai Post Doctor Scientific Research Foundation Programme (Project No.14R21411100). Table 1 Kd and Bmax values of [18F]-TKP for K18ΔK280-tau and Aβ42 fibrils