Objectives To determine the efficacy of Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography using F-18 Fluoro-deoxy-glucose (F-18 FDG PET-CT) in diagnosing the recurrence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in patients previously treated with partial or radical nephrectomy.
Methods This is a retrospective study in which files of patients diagnosed with RCC who came to our department for PET-CT examination between 2007 to 2012 were analysed. Patients who fulfill the inclusion criterion were recruited. 101 patients with suspected recurrent RCC after nephrectomy were recruited and assesed. PET-CT findings were interpreted as positive if the focal area of FDG uptake in the abdomen or outside the abdomen is more than the surrounding background tissue. The final diagnosis of the recurrence of RCC was based on histological examination and/or clinical follow-up and conventional imaging modalities.
Results A total of 178 PET-CT studies were done in these 101 patients, of which 120 studies were true positive, 44 studies were true negative, 6 studies were false negative and remaining 8 studies were false positive. In 120 true positive scans, PET-CT demonstrated 292 lesions. Out of these, 88 lesions(30%) were detected in the lymph nodes, 81 lesions(27.7%) were in various skeletal sites, 60 lesions(20.5%) were in the lungs, 29 lesions(10%) were at the loco-regional site and 34(11.6%)lesions were at other sites. The less common sites where RCC recurrence was detected were adrenal, brain and pancreas in one patient. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of PET-CT were 95.2%, 84.6% and 92% respectively.
Conclusions Our results appear to confirm the useful role of PET-CT in the evaluation of post-surgical recurrence in patients who had undergone radical surgery for renal cell carcinoma and helps to alter the patient management.