Novel ultrasound techniques and targets: Wilson and colleagues review recent developments in acoustic and photoacoustic molecular imaging of cancer.
PET in HER2-positive breast cancer: Kenny provides perspective on current understanding of 18F-FDG uptake as a predictor of treatment response in this genetically linked disease setting and previews a large multicenter study in this issue of JNM.
Hematotoxicity after PRRT: Sabet and colleagues investigate the incidence, severity, and reversibility of long-term hematotoxicity in a large cohort of patients undergoing peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with 177Lu-octreotate for metastatic neuroendocrine tumors.
18F-FDG and anti-HER2 drug response: Gebhart and colleagues assess the early metabolic effects of neoadjuvant lapatinib, trastuzumab, and their combination on primary tumors and their predictive value for pathologic complete response.
64Cu-DOTA-trastuzumab PET: Tamura and colleagues report on safety, distribution, internal dosimetry, and initial HER2-positive tumor images with this 64Cu-labeled molecular target probe in humans.
PET and serum marker CA19.9: Viola-Villegas and colleagues use an 89Zr-labeled PET radiotracer targeting tumor-associated CA19.9 to probe sites of biomarker secretion as a means of addressing current confounding results with biomarkers and immunoPET.
VCAM-1 and chemotherapy response: Scalici and colleagues research the potential for vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 as a marker of peritoneal metastasis and tumor response in platinum-based chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.
Radioembolization in colorectal liver metastases: Rosenbaum and colleagues provide a wide overview of available data on tumor response and survival after 90Y radioembolization in salvage patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases.
Quantification of brown fat function: Cypess and colleagues use a combination of human and rodent models to assess relationships between changes in brown adipose tissue blood flow and glucose utilization.
Biodistribution of 11C-MET in pediatric patients: Harris and colleagues evaluate the biodistribution of 11C-labeled methionine in non–tumor-involved organs in pediatric patients and young adults studied for malignant disease.
Aβ load and regional dysfunction: Frings and colleagues elucidate the relationships among neocortical amyloid-β load, regional neuronal function, and memory impairment using 11C-PIB and 18F-FDG PET in patients with early Alzheimer disease.
TSPO imaging with 18F-PBR111: Guo and colleagues conduct investigative PET studies in healthy individuals with high, low, or mixed affinities for translocator protein binding radioligands.
Radionuclide imaging in epilepsy: Kumar and Chugani offer an educational overview of current PET and SPECT imaging approaches and advantages in patients with various epilepsy syndromes.
Intratumor PET correlations: Bradshaw and colleagues characterize spatial correlations of glucose metabolism, proliferation, and hypoxia in 2 histologic types of canine tumors and describe the importance of histology-specific PET correlations for biologic targeting.
PET and cardiac hypertrophy: Hernandez and colleagues examine the longitudinal kinetics of 18F-FDG and 18F-FTHA as analogs of glucose and fatty acid to quantify metabolic substrate shifts in a rat model of left ventricular hypertrophy and failure.
Mouse brain PET/CT: Welch and colleagues consider the effects of 18F-FDG PET/CT scan length, image registration and quantification methods, and smoothing during preclinical statistical parametric mapping.
Abnormal glutamate transmission and PET: Wyckhuys and colleagues look at the potential for 11C-ABP688, a PET ligand that binds to an allosteric site of the metabotropic glutamate 5 receptor, with β microprobes after pharmacologic challenge in rats.
Awake NHP 11C-flumazenil PET: Sandiego and colleagues detail the development of awake nonhuman primate imaging with minimal head restraint using a γ-aminobutyric acid–benzodiazepine radiotracer.
PET and attention in rats: Xi and colleagues use 18F-FDG uptake to assess brain glucose metabolic changes in a rat model of attention and correlate these changes with behavior.
Biocompatible SPION for tumor imaging: Lee and colleagues describe nonpolymeric surface modification of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with the potential to enhance advanced biocompatible contrast agents for diagnostic imaging in vivo.
18F-labeled HER2 Affibody molecule: Glaser and colleagues assess different 18F radiolabeling strategies for the HER2-specific Affibody molecule ZHER2:2891 and identify an optimal radiolabeling strategy for automated manufacture.
Pretargeting with Diels–Alder reaction: Rossin and colleagues detail in vivo validation of a chemical pretargeting method with advantages over noncovalent biologic interactions and potential for rapid translation.
Lipidots and steroid organs: Mérian and colleagues characterize the in vivo stability, biodistribution, and pharmacokinetics of lipidots, nanoparticulate lipid delivery vectors for drugs and contrast agents.
Small-bowel and colon transit guidelines: Maurer and experts from SNMMI and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine offer guidelines to assist nuclear medicine practitioners in recommending, performing, interpreting, and reporting transit studies of the small bowel and colon.
- © 2013 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Inc.