J. Price
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 213 pages, $80
Breast MRI has firmly established its place as a mainstream imaging technique in the last decade, particularly in the screening of high-risk women and in the preoperative assessment of patients with known breast cancer. The role of breast MRI in the screening of high-risk women is now unchallenged. With high-gradient-strength MRI instruments and technical advances in breast coil design, image quality has improved immeasurably, and computer-aided detection systems make the task of reporting breast MRI studies much quicker and easier. Gene expression profiling has provided important new insights into the pathogenesis of heterogeneous breast cancer and may be correlated with MRI findings. This book aims to assist radiologists seeking to add breast MRI to their skill set for the better management of breast cancer.
This book is organized into 8 chapters, starting with introductory chapters (basics, anatomy, and pathology) and continuing with detailed clinical chapters (interpretation, biopsy, screening, staging, problem-solving applications, and MRI after breast augmentation). Each chapter begins with an outline and ends with multiple-choice questions. The images in the 76 figures are illustrative, and the tables are useful. The references are updated, and there are unique appendices dealing with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests, the TNM classification, an overview of surgical procedures, radiation therapy and systemic therapy, preventive strategies, and genes and genetic testing.
This book provides core knowledge and clinical guidelines for performing breast MRI in everyday practice and is an invaluable practical diagnostic resource for radiologists, breast surgeons, oncologists, and any clinicians involved in breast cancer management. Trainees in radiology, surgical oncology, and medical oncology will also benefit from this book.
Published online Nov. 12, 2012.
- © 2013 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Inc.