We propose a standardized approach to quantitative molecular imaging (MI) in cancer patients with multiple lesions. Methods: Twenty patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer underwent 18F-FDG and 18F-16β-fluoro-5-dihydrotestosterone (18F-FDHT) PET/CT scans. Using a 5-point confidence scale, 2 readers interpreted coregistered scan sets on a workstation. Two hundred three sites per scan (specified in a lexicon) were reviewed. 18F-FDG–positive lesion bookmarks were propagated onto 18F-FDHT studies and then manually accepted or rejected. Discordance-positive 18F-FDHT lesions were similarly bookmarked. Lesional SUVmax was recorded. Tracer- and tissue-specific background correction factors were calculated via receiver-operating-characteristic analysis of 65 scan sets. Results: Readers agreed on more than 99% of 18F-FDG– and 18F-FDHT–negative sites. Positive-site agreement was 83% and 85%, respectively. Consensus-lesion maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) was highly reproducible (concordance correlation coefficient > 0.98). Receiver-operating-characteristic curves yielded 4 correction factors (SUVmax 1.8–2.6). A novel scatterplot (Larson-Fox-Gonen plot) depicted tumor burden and change in SUVmax for response assessments. Conclusion: Multilesion molecular imaging is optimized with a 5-step approach incorporating a confidence scale, site lexicon, semiautomated PET software, background correction, and Larson-Fox-Gonen graphing.
Molecular imaging (MI) with 18F-FDG PET is widely used for assessing the effect of treatment on tumors (1,2). Numerous additional agents for imaging the hallmarks of cancer, such as rapid proliferation, apoptosis, amino acid synthesis, hypoxia, and more specific molecules expressed on tumors, are under development (3,4). Evaluation of these potential imaging biomarkers requires a reproducible and expeditious system to identify disease, quantify metabolic activity, and follow the course of the lesion over time, particularly in patients with a multitude of lesions. With these requirements in mind, our group developed a PET image segmentation technique based on adaptive thresholding (5). This method produced precise volume measurements and eliminated the subjectivity of manual contouring. Furthermore, a coordinate system was devised to facilitate longitudinal tumor tracking on serial 18F-FDG scans and characterization of tumor heterogeneity with diverse tracers (6). These tools served as a foundation for semiautomated image-based PET/CT analysis programs now produced by various manufacturers. PET volume computer-assisted reading (VCAR), an application of the Advantage Workstation (GE Healthcare), is one such program that incorporates precise examination-to-examination coregistration, using the companion CT scan as a fiduciary marker, and threshold-based image segmentation. These features permit unambiguous lesion tracking and efficient analysis of large datasets, essential for streamlining pharmacodynamic and response assessments in clinical trials. In this brief communication, we report a 5-step approach intended to standardize implementation of semiautomated image analysis programs such as PET VCAR, thereby facilitating the successful codevelopment of novel MI biomarkers and therapies.
To further develop and validate our approach, we chose a clinical situation in which 2 radiotracers were used to image a group of patients with multiple metastatic bone or soft-tissue lesions. In the context of an institutional review board–approved protocol, 65 consecutive patients with progressive castration-resistant prostate cancer underwent paired 18F-FDG and 18F-16β-fluoro-5-dihydrotestosterone (18F-FDHT) PET/CT scans within a 24-h period. 18F-FDG scans were acquired approximately 60 min after about 370 MBq of 18F-FDG had been injected. 18F-FDHT scans were acquired approximately 40 min after about 333 MBq of 18F-FDHT had been injected (7). Patients were imaged from skull base to upper thighs on a Discovery STE PET/CT scanner (GE Healthcare). Reconstructed images were loaded onto a PET VCAR workstation. Two experienced readers interpreted a randomized subset of 20 scan sets in a masked fashion. The reader reviewed 203 sites per scan, prespecified in an anatomic lexicon (Supplemental Table 1). Scans were first interpreted qualitatively on a 5-point confidence scale for the absence or presence of malignancy (0 = definitely negative, 1 = probably negative, 2 = equivocal, 3 = probably positive, and 4 = definitely positive). Foci of activity visually higher than local background and not explained by physiologic or benign processes were considered positive. Sites rated 0–2 were recorded as negative; sites rated 3–4 were recorded as positive. All discrete lesions within positive sites were segmented with the threshold-based isocontour tool set at a default of 42% from maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) (5). Coalescing lesions that could not be clearly separated were segmented as 1 lesion. Lesions occupying 2 contiguous sites were considered distinct lesions. Paired 18F-FDG and 18F-FDHT scans were automatically coregistered by PET VCAR using a system of coarse and fine adjustments based on the characteristics of the bone and soft tissue on the companion CT scan. Bookmarked regions of interest for 18F-FDG lesions were automatically duplicated and propagated onto the coregistered 18F-FDHT images. Propagated bookmarks were accepted or rejected using the confidence scale, and regions of interest were manually adjusted by the reader, as needed. Discordance-positive 18F-FDHT lesions were segmented in a similar fashion. SUVmax (body weight) was obtained for every lesion and cataloged site by site. The results of the 2 readers were compared on a per-site and per-lesion basis to determine interobserver variability. Reproducibility of SUVmax measurements for consensus lesions was assessed with Bland–Altman plots and calculation of concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) (8). SUVmax reproducibility was further analyzed after correction for background activity.
With the rationale that lesional metabolic activity is composed of tracer bound in tumor and unbound tracer in stroma, we aimed to subtract the contribution of stromal signal from the measured SUVmax. We hypothesized that establishing a population-based background would provide an approximate measure of stromal signal and could also serve as a threshold for better discrimination between benign and malignant uptake. To determine this value, all 65 scan sets were interpreted by consensus. In addition to lesional uptake, SUVmax of background activity was recorded. For bone background, a region of interest was placed in the posterior iliac crest or other uninvolved bone if the iliac crest harbored tumor. For soft tissue, a region of interest was placed in gluteal muscle (chosen for ease of measurement). Tracer- and tissue-specific receiver-operator-characteristic curves were constructed by plotting background SUVs against lesion SUVs. The point on the curve closest to perfect classification (0,1) was chosen as the background/threshold SUVmax. The 4 resulting values were applied as a correction factor for all segmented lesions within the respective tracer and tissue categories: (lesion SUVmax) – (background SUVmax). Background-corrected lesions with an SUVmax of 0 or less were reassigned as PET-negative.
For the interobserver analysis of 18F-FDG scans, 3,852 (94.9%) of 4,060 sites were classified as negative by both readers, 173 (4.2%) as positive by both, and 35 (0.9%) as positive by only one. For the 4,060 18F-FDHT sites, the respective classifications were 3,838 (94.5%), 189 (4.7%), and 33 (0.8%). This translates to 83.2% (173/208) agreement for positive 18F-FDG sites and 85.1% (189/222) agreement for positive 18F-FDHT sites. As several positive sites contained more than 1 discrete lesion, the number of recorded lesions was greater than the number of positive sites. The 2 readers agreed on 80.8% (194/240) of all recorded 18F-FDG lesions and 78.7% (211/268) of all 18F-FDHT lesions. SUVmax measurements for these consensus lesions were highly concordant: for 18F-FDG, CCC was 0.994 (95% confidence interval, 0.992–0.996); for 18F-FDHT, CCC was 0.981 (95% confidence interval, 0.976–0.986). Consensus lesion SUVmax reproducibility is depicted graphically with Bland–Altman plots in Figure 1.
Bland–Altman plots for 18F-FDG (A) and 18F-FDHT (B) demonstrating high reproducibility of interobserver consensus lesion SUVmax measurements. For 18F-FDG, bias is 0.016 and 95% limits of agreement are −0.77 to 0.74. For 18F-FDHT, bias is −0.015 and 95% limits of agreement are −1.56 to 1.53. Slightly wider confidence limits for 18F-FDHT indicate higher variability in measurements, largely due to 2 outlying lesions, both of which can be seen on plot.
The background analysis yielded 4 separate values with an SUVmax of 1.8–2.6 (Tables 1 and 2). Interobserver reproducibility for background-corrected consensus lesion SUVs was nearly identical to the precorrection scenario: for background-corrected 18F-FDG, CCC was 0.994 (95% confidence interval, 0.993–0.996); for background-corrected 18F-FDHT, CCC was 0.979 (95% CI, 0.973–0.985).
Lesion and Background Data from 65 18F-FDG and 18F-FDHT Scan Sets Used in Receiver-Operator-Characteristic Curve Background Analysis
Receiver-Operator-Characteristic Curve Analyses of Lesion and Background SUVmax Data in Table 1
Representative response data for 2 patients were graphed on a novel scatterplot designed to facilitate multilesion response assessments. We refer to this graph here as the Larson-Fox-Gonen (LFG) plot (Figures 2 and 3).
Representative 18F-FDG (A) and 18F-FDHT (B) LFG plots in nonresponding castration-resistant prostate cancer patient receiving androgen receptor–targeted therapy. Identity line indicates no change in SUV between baseline and follow-up (change in SUVmax, 0%). Rays around identity line indicate various levels of percentage change. New lesions fall on y-axis when value of zero for baseline SUVmax is imputed. In this example, total-lesion (n = 51 at baseline) 18F-FDG and 18F-FDHT background-corrected SUVmax data are plotted, demonstrating marked hypermetabolism at baseline and metabolic progression at 4 wk (increase in 18F-FDG uptake > 50% for several lesions, as well as several new lesions). 18F-FDHT plot shows concomitant suppression of 18F-FDHT uptake (>75% reduction in most lesions), despite apparent 18F-FDG progression. Corresponding maximum-intensity-projection PET images, at baseline and after 4 wk of therapy, are found to right of plots.
Representative 18F-FDG (A) and 18F-FDHT (B) LFG plots in responding castration-resistant prostate cancer patient receiving androgen receptor–targeted therapy. Total-lesion (n = 61) 18F-FDG and 18F-FDHT background-corrected SUVmax data are graphed, depicting favorable metabolic response (>75% reduction in 18F-FDG uptake for most lesions) and concomitant suppression of 18F-FDHT uptake (>50% in most lesions). Corresponding maximum-intensity-projection images, at baseline and after 4 wk of therapy, are found to right of plots. Focal activity in left axilla on 4-wk 18F-FDG scan represents artifact (i.e., benign nodal uptake related to radiotracer injection).
MI offers the potential for improved detection of disease and quantitation of alterations in molecular targets. In the context of clinical trials, MI can assist in determining the proof of mechanism for an experimental drug and, separately, treatment efficacy. A variety of PET-based methods has been proposed for quantitating treatment response, including the recently proposed PERCIST (PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors) criteria (9). These methods generally recommend assessment of only a selected number of target lesions, modeled after structure-based criteria such as RECIST 1.1 (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors) (10). However, RECIST-type criteria are largely based on pragmatism, with limited supporting evidence (11–14). In patients with many metastatic lesions, this reductive approach risks the overlooking of key lesions that are outliers in terms of behavior and are potentially responsible for a poor patient outcome. The introduction of semiautomated data analysis programs such as PET VCAR can account for all lesions in outcome assessments, thus helping elucidate optimal parameters of response. In addition, this platform can be used to compare the uptake of multiple tracers in various lesions and to monitor similarities and differences in response to treatment.
Our standardized approach to comparative analysis of total-lesion MI builds on the capabilities of these semiautomated systems (Fig. 4).
Summary diagram of 5-step approach to comparative analysis of total-lesion MI.
Step 1: 5-Point Confidence Scale Is Used for Initial Qualitative Assessment
Overall, there was high interobserver agreement (>99%) with respect to qualitatively classifying the 4,060 anatomic sites as negative or positive for both 18F-FDG and 18F-FDHT scans. The agreement rate fell to roughly 84% when only positive sites were the focus and to 80% when all recorded lesions were considered (some sites contained multiple lesions). An ordinal confidence scale mitigates, but cannot completely resolve, the inherent and unavoidable subjectivity of diagnostic imaging interpretation, irrespective of the workstation used. MI with PET is arguably more prone to interobserver variability than conventional structural imaging. Nevertheless, a recent paper looking at CT interpretation reported major interobserver disagreements in 26%–32% of cases (15), supporting the notion that disagreement in qualitative interpretation is unavoidable. As a solution to this problem, we recommend that preliminary training sessions or consensus readouts should be integrated into imaging protocols.
Step 2: Standardized Lexicon for Lesion Nomenclature Is Adopted
A lexicon minimizes ambiguities in lesion assignment, particularly in the context of a total-lesion cataloging effort. A lexicon also facilitates correlation with more conventional imaging modalities such as bone scanning, CT, and MRI.
Step 3: Scans Are Analyzed Semiautomatically
First, positive lesions are bookmarked with a threshold-based segmentation algorithm. An isocontour tool clearly defines the 3-dimensional borders of the lesion, ensuring that the voxel containing the SUVmax is within the confines of the lesion. Second, PET/CT studies are automatically coregistered. Coregistration enables automatic propagation of lesion bookmarks and facilitates unambiguous lesion tracking. In contrast to the qualitative assessment (Step 1), quantitative agreement was excellent, reflected by high SUVmax reproducibility for consensus lesions (CCC > 0.98 for both 18F-FDG and 18F-FDHT). These results are at least similar to the interobserver reproducibility of SUVmax measurements obtained on a standard workstation (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.93) (16).
Step 4: Positive Lesions Are Corrected for Background Activity
Background correction in this context serves 2 purposes: to eliminate the contribution of signal from unbound tracer in stroma and to optimally discriminate between benignity and malignancy. We used a population-based receiver-operator-characteristic curve analysis to establish a standard background level, which was then applied as a correction factor. Four separate thresholds were calculated to account for the distinct properties of each tracer in bone and soft tissue. When applicable, we opted for greater specificity over sensitivity, given the plethora of lesions.
Step 5: SUV Data Are Graphed on LFG Plot
An LFG plot allows for representation of large amounts of comparison data while clearly depicting absolute and percentage change in SUVmax for individual lesions, new lesions, and trends for the total-lesion burden. Individual lesions with aberrant behavior are easily detected.
A limitation of the study is the lack of a gold standard comparator to confirm the accuracy of the segmented lesions. Nevertheless, the purpose of this brief communication is not to present specific outcome data for 18F-FDG or 18F-FDHT in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Rather, our goal is to describe a standardized and practical approach for multilesion assessments, as an aid for future work with MI. We intend to further validate the receiver-operator-characteristic–based background analysis in the context of pending pharmacodynamic and response assessments, as well as with tissue correlation, when available.
We have described our approach to the challenging problem of MI-based quantitative analysis of multiple lesions in individual patients or patient populations. We propose that this type of analysis benefits from semiautomated software such as PET VCAR, which allows for unambiguous lesion tracking and reproducible quantitative assessment. A novel summary plot, the LFG plot, was developed to visualize data in a manner that is intuitive and permits easy assessment of treatment response. In future work, we plan to compare the largest group of lesions with smaller subsets of target lesions to determine the optimal number needed for prediction of clinical endpoints such as overall survival. Ultimately, we propose that this biologically sound approach will lead to the qualification of robust imaging biomarkers.
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Support for this research came from the MSKCC Center for Molecular Imaging in Cancer from the National Cancer Institute (grant P50-CA086438) and from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) (grant in prostate cancer P50-CA92629). No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
↵* Contributed equally to this work.
Published online Oct. 7, 2011.
- © 2011 by Society of Nuclear Medicine
- Received for publication March 10, 2011.
- Accepted for publication May 18, 2011.