Objectives Respiratory motion artefacts can affect PET image quality and quantification due to the long acquisition duration. They can be reduced via 4D acquisition. The most used synchronization device is the Real Time Position Management® (RPM) (Varian medical systems) which allows to record abdominal movements. However, bias has been reported concerning the utilization of RPM for 4D PET CT acquisitions concerning the relationship between internal movement and the abdominal height movement. In this study, we have evaluated and compared another device, namely the spirometer (SpiroDynr’X from Dyn’r society), which is already used for breathing adapted radiotherapy. The spirometer has been modified to allow 4D PET acquisitions.
Methods PET-CT data were acquired on a DST4 (GEHC,USA) in a 2D and 3D mode and reconstructed iteratively. 4D acquisitions were performed using a phantom PTW (6 hollow spheres filled with and a body filled with a mix of water and 18F-FDG with a volumic activity (Av) of 40 kBq/mL and 2 kBq/mL respectively) placed on a respiratory motion platform which allows to move the phantom in the superior-inferior direction with a frequency of 12 cycles per minutes and different amplitude (1, 2 and 3 cm). 4D PET acquisitions were realized with both RPM and SpiroDynr’X in 2D and 3D modes, with a time slicing of 6, 8 and 10 bins per cycle. We chose relative error (RE) between measured and theoretical volumic activity to compare the different acquisitions.
Results For each amplitude of movement and for the majority of phantom spheres, we found that 4D PET acquisitions realized with 3D mode with a time slicing of 6 gave the smaller RE. Moreover, 4D PET acquisitions realized with SpiroDynr’X gave slightly smaller RE and better volume estimation than RPM data.
Conclusions We demonstrate the ability to realize 4D PET acquisitions with the SpiroDynr’X and results are in good agreement with those obtained from RPM with tendency of smaller RE and better volume estimation