Machulla and Heinz highlight promising applications of novel radioligands for PET brain imaging of the κ-opioid receptor system in neuropsychiatric disorders.

Mariani and colleagues review the current state of intraoperative γ-probes for radioguided surgery, including features that nuclear medicine physicians and surgeons should consider when choosing probes.
Sharkey surveys the rapidly evolving technologies of pretargeting and questions that remain about the mechanism by which such procedures enhance and improve therapeutic outcomes.
Classe and colleagues evaluate the performance of 3 commercially available γ-probes in axillary sentinel lymph node detection in a large group of patients with early breast cancer.
van Westreenen and colleagues investigate the feasibility of 18F-FLT as a PET tracer for the detection and staging of esophageal cancer and compare its performance with that of 18F-FDG.
Yen and colleagues report on the potential of 18F-FDG PET to identify distant metastases when staging patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, an epithelial malignancy with high frequency in some areas of China.
Pauleit and colleagues discuss the results of a prospective study comparing the potential efficacy of 18F-FET and 18F-FDG in PET imaging of patients with a variety of suspected malignant peripheral tumors.
Acampa and colleagues compare the prognostic value of predischarge dobutamine stress echocardiography and dobutamine myocardial SPECT perfusion imaging in patients with prior myocardial infarction.
Jaskowiak and colleagues evaluate the effects of changes in the number of iterations in the OSEM reconstruction process on average standardized uptake and maximum standardized uptake values in studies acquired with PET/CT.

Beyer and colleagues compare several intravenous contrast injection protocols for routine whole-body PET/CT, with a goal of reducing the common occurrence of high-density imaging artifacts.

DiFilippo and Brunken assess the effect of pacemaker leads and implantable cardioverter defibrillator leads on the accuracy of cardiac PET/CT and discuss potential software-based correction algorithms.
Keidar and colleagues investigate the ability of PET/CT to accurately differentiate between osteomyelitis and soft-tissue infection in the diabetic foot.
Bauer and colleagues report on the molecular imaging utility of 18F-CPFPX, a novel PET tracer, as a potential indicator of local cerebral response to tumor invasion in a glioma-bearing rat model.
Tai and colleagues evaluate the basic performance of a new-generation, scintillator-based small-animal PET scanner and compare it with previous models.
Elgqvist and colleagues describe the myelotoxicity and relative biologic effectiveness of the α-emitter 211At conjugated to monoclonal antibodies in a mouse model and compare the results with those from 99mTc-monoclonal antibodies and external radiation from a 60Co source.
Lee and colleagues examine the biodistribution of radiolabeled RGD peptides and expression of αv integrin in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia, with a goal of assessing the method’s potential for noninvasive monitoring of peripheral ischemic lesions.

Kang and colleagues report on the development of a transgenic mouse model in which the sodium/iodide symporter is expressed as an imaging reporter gene only in cardiomyocytes, as a step toward γ-camera and microPET imaging of cellular differentiation in vivo.
Talbot and colleagues describe the results of experiments in baboons to assess the potential of the radioligand 11C-GR103545 for PET imaging of brain κ-opioid receptors.
van Schaijk and colleagues outline an efficient, 2-step pretargeting strategy for treatment of renal cell carcinoma based on a biologically produced bispecific monoclonal antibody in mouse models and discuss the effects of physiologic characteristics of tumors in pretargeting strategies.
Thomas and colleagues use new data specifically acquired to address the issue of testicular uptake, as well as reevaluations of extant data for biodistribution in other organs, to derive revised radiation dosimetry estimates for 201Tl-thallous chloride.
Nakamura and colleagues investigate the antisense targeting of P-glycoprotein expression in vitro and suggest a potential application for antisense imaging of multidrug resistance in cancer.

Jimenez and colleagues assess coronary vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in a swine transplant model by imaging regions of uptake of an 111In-labeled monoclonal antibody, a method with promise for early noninvasive detection of transplant vasculopathy.
Antoch and colleagues compare the utility of imaging normal liver tissue with contrast-enhanced ultrasound, CT, MRI, 18F-FDG PET, and PET/CT in patients immediately after radiofrequency ablation.
Bennink and colleagues evaluate dedicated animal pinhole SPECT for the in vivo study of inflammatory activity and neutrophil recruitment in experimental colitis.
Kersemans and colleagues investigate the distribution and accumulation characteristics of the tracer 123I-2-iodo-l-phenylalanine as a specific tumor tracer for SPECT in 2 mouse models.
Bouilleret and colleagues report on studies with PET to elucidate the involvement of dopamine neurotransmission in different epileptic syndromes and provide direct evidence of basal ganglia involvement in human epilepsy.
In this 50-y-old man with a nonhealing wound in the right forefoot, osteomyelitis complicating diabetic foot was diagnosed on the basis of PET/CT findings. From left to right, 18F-FDG PET coronal and transaxial images show an area of increased 18F-FDG uptake in the lateral aspect of the forefoot, PET/CT image localizes abnormal 18F-FDG uptake to the head of the fourth metatarsus, and CT image shows normal bone structure in corresponding area. Osteomyelitis was further confirmed by histopathologic examination of tissue samples obtained at surgery.