We read with great interest the article of Nagao et al. (1). The authors applied 3-dimensional fractal analysis for quantifying cerebral blood flow (CBF) distribution in patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and in healthy volunteers. Imaging studies have shown spatial and temporal heterogeneity of brain structure and function whenever studied. A key question of these studies is how to differentiate abnormal alterations from normal perfusion heterogeneity. Postprocessing (such as fractal analysis) of the SPECT images may help with image interpretation when visual and traditional approaches fail.
Mandelbrot (2) introduced the word fractal from the Latin fractus (“to break”) to describe the finer irregular fragments that appear when objects are viewed at higher and higher magnifications. Practically, the object or process is considered fractal if its small-scale form appears similar to its large-scale form (such as vermis of cerebellum, bronchial tree of lungs, and daily heart rate variability). Highly recursive and self-similar structures and processes without a well-defined shape can be characterized by fractal analysis. Fractal analysis of the image property is based on nonlinear equations and can be described by a power-law equation showing how a property L(ε) of the system depends on the scale ε:
1 where A is the scaling constant and α is the exponent (3).
The authors concluded that the fractal dimension correlated well with cognitive impairment, as assessed by neuropsychologic tests (1). This conclusion is true. However, their decision that CBF distribution becomes more heterogeneous when AD progresses is wrong. The overall heterogeneity (or complexity) of CBF distribution lessens when disease progresses from the moderate to the end stages. This is a definitive question of the exponent α in Equation 1.
The power-law scaling describes how the property L(ε) of the system depends on the scale ε at which it is measured (Eq. 1). The fractal dimension D describes how the total number of voxels M(ε) of the brain SPECT data depends on the scale ε (cutoff level), namely:
2 where k is a constant. This cutoff threshold method is useful for determining the fractal dimension. However, to use this approach, we must derive the relationship between the fractal dimension D and the scaling exponent α (3). We equate these 2 powers of the scale ε (Eqs. 1 and 2) and then solve for the fractal dimension D (3). For 3-dimensional surface rendering of SPECT data, the solution of the fractal dimension is (3):
3 The result is that the authors have reported the value of −α instead of D, leading to their conclusion that “… CBF distribution becomes more heterogeneous when AD progresses in the moderate and end stages” (1).
Strictly speaking, the 3-dimensional fractal dimensions (Eq. 3) for patients with clinical dementia rates of 0, 1, 2, and 3 are 2.48, 2.37, 2.23, and 1.57, indicating more homogeneous CBF when disease progresses. The decrease in the fractal dimension is associated with impairment of the patient’s condition, as was previously found in patients with dementia of the frontal lobe type using 2-dimensional fractal analysis of SPECT perfusion data (4).
My colleagues and I introduced 3-dimensional fractal analysis for lung ventilation and cerebral blood flow SPECT images in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (1,2). Three-dimensional fractal analysis depends on the cutoff level of radioactivity and measures the irregular alterative form in 3 dimensions with changing of the cutoff level. Fractal geometry characterizes the relationship between a measure M and the scale ε and is expressed as:
1 where k is a scaling constant and D is termed the fractal dimension. The fractal dimension measures the spatial heterogeneity of the structure, which is expressed as M(ε). As the fractal dimension increases, the structure is more heterogeneous. In the modified fractal geometry of 3-dimensional fractal analysis, the cutoff level of radioactivity is used as ε, and D is a measurement of an irregular alterative form in 3 dimensions. In 3-dimensional fractal analysis, D is a negative quantity when calculated for an increasing cutoff level and a positive quantity when calculated for a decreasing cutoff level (Fig. 2 in (2)). Because fractal dimension serves as a measurement of scale independent of the irregularity of the object, D for increasing or decreasing cutoff levels must be the same value. We believe that fractal dimension should be the absolute value in our analysis.
In the letter to the editor, Dr. Kuikka describes fractal analysis of the image property as:
2 and mathematically solves for D:
3 Kuikka points out that α may be a true fractal dimension. However, because D is an absolute value, D ± 3 in Equation 3 may be meaningless in our 3-dimensional fractal analysis. Kuikka and Hartikainen (3) described fractal analysis of 2-dimensional SPECT images using the number of subregions (size of region of interest). Their method, which applies box counting, is interesting. We believe that the fractal dimension obtained from 3-dimensional fractal analysis differs entirely from that obtained from their 2-dimensional fractal analysis. Both analyses show spatial heterogeneity on SPECT images. Fractal analysis of SPECT images may help to assess anatomic and physiologic changes in living organs.