Research ArticleClinical Investigation
Sensitive Detection of Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastasis of Lung Cancer with 11C-Choline PET
Toshihiko Hara, Keizo Inagaki, Noboru Kosaka and Toyohiko Morita
Journal of Nuclear Medicine September 2000, 41 (9) 1507-1513;
Toshihiko Hara
Keizo Inagaki
Noboru Kosaka
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Sensitive Detection of Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastasis of Lung Cancer with 11C-Choline PET
Toshihiko Hara, Keizo Inagaki, Noboru Kosaka, Toyohiko Morita
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Sep 2000, 41 (9) 1507-1513;
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