Research ArticleNuclear Oncology
Role of Initial Iodine- 131 Whole-Body Scan and Serum Thyroglobulin in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Metastases
Mauro Filesi, Alberto Signore, Guido Ventroni, Francesca Fiore Melacrinis and Giuseppe Ronga
Journal of Nuclear Medicine September 1998, 39 (9) 1542-1546;
Mauro Filesi
Alberto Signore
Guido Ventroni
Francesca Fiore Melacrinis

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In this issue
Role of Initial Iodine- 131 Whole-Body Scan and Serum Thyroglobulin in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Metastases
Mauro Filesi, Alberto Signore, Guido Ventroni, Francesca Fiore Melacrinis, Giuseppe Ronga
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Sep 1998, 39 (9) 1542-1546;
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