Research ArticleGeneral Nuclear Medicine
Fluorine-18-FDG PET and Technetium-99m Antigranulocyte Antibody Scintigraphy in Chronic Osteomyelitis
Albrecht Guhlmann, Doris Brecht-Krauss, Gebhard Suger, Gerhard Glatting, Joerg Kotzerke, Lothar Kinzl and Sven N. Reske
Journal of Nuclear Medicine December 1998, 39 (12) 2145-2152;
Albrecht Guhlmann
Doris Brecht-Krauss
Gebhard Suger
Gerhard Glatting
Joerg Kotzerke
Lothar Kinzl

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In this issue
Fluorine-18-FDG PET and Technetium-99m Antigranulocyte Antibody Scintigraphy in Chronic Osteomyelitis
Albrecht Guhlmann, Doris Brecht-Krauss, Gebhard Suger, Gerhard Glatting, Joerg Kotzerke, Lothar Kinzl, Sven N. Reske
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Dec 1998, 39 (12) 2145-2152;
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