Research ArticleNuclear Neurology
Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia
Kazunari Ishii, Setsu Sakamoto, Masahiro Sasaki, Hajime Kitagaki, Shigeru Yamaji, Mamoru Hashimoto, Toru Imamura, Tatsuo Shimomura, Nobutsugu Hirono and Etsuro Mori
Journal of Nuclear Medicine November 1998, 39 (11) 1875-1878;
Kazunari Ishii
Setsu Sakamoto
Masahiro Sasaki
Hajime Kitagaki
Shigeru Yamaji
Mamoru Hashimoto
Toru Imamura
Tatsuo Shimomura
Nobutsugu Hirono

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In this issue
Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia
Kazunari Ishii, Setsu Sakamoto, Masahiro Sasaki, Hajime Kitagaki, Shigeru Yamaji, Mamoru Hashimoto, Toru Imamura, Tatsuo Shimomura, Nobutsugu Hirono, Etsuro Mori
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Nov 1998, 39 (11) 1875-1878;
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