Research ArticleNuclear Cardiology
Generation of Myocardial Factor Images Directly from the Dynamic Oxygen-15-Water Scan Without Use of an Oxygen-1 5-Carbon Monoxide Blood-Pool Scan
Flemming Hermansen, John Ashburner, Terry J. Spinks, Jaspal S. Kooner, Paolo G. Camici and Adriaan A. Lammertsma
Journal of Nuclear Medicine October 1998, 39 (10) 1696-1702;
Flemming Hermansen
John Ashburner
Terry J. Spinks
Jaspal S. Kooner
Paolo G. Camici
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In this issue
Generation of Myocardial Factor Images Directly from the Dynamic Oxygen-15-Water Scan Without Use of an Oxygen-1 5-Carbon Monoxide Blood-Pool Scan
Flemming Hermansen, John Ashburner, Terry J. Spinks, Jaspal S. Kooner, Paolo G. Camici, Adriaan A. Lammertsma
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1998, 39 (10) 1696-1702;
Generation of Myocardial Factor Images Directly from the Dynamic Oxygen-15-Water Scan Without Use of an Oxygen-1 5-Carbon Monoxide Blood-Pool Scan
Flemming Hermansen, John Ashburner, Terry J. Spinks, Jaspal S. Kooner, Paolo G. Camici, Adriaan A. Lammertsma
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1998, 39 (10) 1696-1702;
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