Research ArticleNuclear Oncology
Effect of Hyperglycemia on In Vitro Tumor Uptake of Tritiated FDG, Thymidine, L-Methionine and L-Leucine
Tatsuo Torizuka, Anaira C. Clavo and Richard L. Wahl
Journal of Nuclear Medicine March 1997, 38 (3) 382-386;
Tatsuo Torizuka
Anaira C. Clavo

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In this issue
Effect of Hyperglycemia on In Vitro Tumor Uptake of Tritiated FDG, Thymidine, L-Methionine and L-Leucine
Tatsuo Torizuka, Anaira C. Clavo, Richard L. Wahl
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Mar 1997, 38 (3) 382-386;
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