Research ArticleNuclear Neurology
Hemodynamic Aspect of Cerebral Watershed Infarction: Assessment of Perfusion Reserve Using Iodine-123-lodoamphetamine SPECT
Hiroshi Moriwaki, Masayasu Matsumoto, Kazuo Hashikawa, Naohiko Oku, Mariko Ishida, Yujiro Seike, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Hidetaka Hougaku, Nobuo Handa and Tsunehiko Nishimura
Journal of Nuclear Medicine October 1997, 38 (10) 1556-1562;
Hiroshi Moriwaki
Masayasu Matsumoto
Kazuo Hashikawa
Naohiko Oku
Mariko Ishida
Yujiro Seike
Yoshiyuki Watanabe
Hidetaka Hougaku
Nobuo Handa

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In this issue
Hemodynamic Aspect of Cerebral Watershed Infarction: Assessment of Perfusion Reserve Using Iodine-123-lodoamphetamine SPECT
Hiroshi Moriwaki, Masayasu Matsumoto, Kazuo Hashikawa, Naohiko Oku, Mariko Ishida, Yujiro Seike, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Hidetaka Hougaku, Nobuo Handa, Tsunehiko Nishimura
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1997, 38 (10) 1556-1562;
Hemodynamic Aspect of Cerebral Watershed Infarction: Assessment of Perfusion Reserve Using Iodine-123-lodoamphetamine SPECT
Hiroshi Moriwaki, Masayasu Matsumoto, Kazuo Hashikawa, Naohiko Oku, Mariko Ishida, Yujiro Seike, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Hidetaka Hougaku, Nobuo Handa, Tsunehiko Nishimura
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1997, 38 (10) 1556-1562;
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