Research ArticleHuman Studies
Thallium-201 Rest-Reinjection and Iodine-123-MIHA Imaging of Myocardial Infarction: Analysis of Defect Reversibility
Pierre Y. Marie, Gilles Karcher, Nicolas Danchin, Pierre Olivier, Michaël Angioï, Yves Juillière, Alain Grentzinger, Daniel Fagret, Françis Cherrier and Alain Bertrand
Journal of Nuclear Medicine September 1995, 36 (9) 1561-1568;
Pierre Y. Marie
Gilles Karcher
Nicolas Danchin
Pierre Olivier
Michaël Angioï
Yves Juillière
Alain Grentzinger
Daniel Fagret
Françis Cherrier

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In this issue
Thallium-201 Rest-Reinjection and Iodine-123-MIHA Imaging of Myocardial Infarction: Analysis of Defect Reversibility
Pierre Y. Marie, Gilles Karcher, Nicolas Danchin, Pierre Olivier, Michaël Angioï, Yves Juillière, Alain Grentzinger, Daniel Fagret, Françis Cherrier, Alain Bertrand
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Sep 1995, 36 (9) 1561-1568;
Thallium-201 Rest-Reinjection and Iodine-123-MIHA Imaging of Myocardial Infarction: Analysis of Defect Reversibility
Pierre Y. Marie, Gilles Karcher, Nicolas Danchin, Pierre Olivier, Michaël Angioï, Yves Juillière, Alain Grentzinger, Daniel Fagret, Françis Cherrier, Alain Bertrand
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Sep 1995, 36 (9) 1561-1568;
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