Research ArticleHuman Studies
Pulmonary Perfusion after Endovascular Stenting of Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
Wim J.G. Oyen, Anton M. van Oort, Ronald B. Tanke, Gert-Jan van Mill, Wim R.M. Aengevaeren and Frans H.M. Corstens
Journal of Nuclear Medicine November 1995, 36 (11) 2006-2008;
Wim J.G. Oyen
Anton M. van Oort
Ronald B. Tanke
Gert-Jan van Mill
Wim R.M. Aengevaeren

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In this issue
Pulmonary Perfusion after Endovascular Stenting of Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
Wim J.G. Oyen, Anton M. van Oort, Ronald B. Tanke, Gert-Jan van Mill, Wim R.M. Aengevaeren, Frans H.M. Corstens
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Nov 1995, 36 (11) 2006-2008;
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