Research ArticleHuman Studies
Technetium-99m-Sestamibi Scintimammography of Breast Lesions: Clinical and Pathological Follow-up
Iraj Khalkhali, John Cutrone, Ismael Mena, Linda Diggles, Rose Venegas, Hernan Vargas, Brenda Jackson and Stanley Klein
Journal of Nuclear Medicine October 1995, 36 (10) 1784-1789;
Iraj Khalkhali
John Cutrone
Ismael Mena
Linda Diggles
Rose Venegas
Hernan Vargas
Brenda Jackson

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In this issue
Technetium-99m-Sestamibi Scintimammography of Breast Lesions: Clinical and Pathological Follow-up
Iraj Khalkhali, John Cutrone, Ismael Mena, Linda Diggles, Rose Venegas, Hernan Vargas, Brenda Jackson, Stanley Klein
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Oct 1995, 36 (10) 1784-1789;
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