Research ArticleHuman Studies
Sublingual Isosorbide Dinitrate to Improve Technetium-99m-Teboroxime Perfusion Defect Reversibility
Gianni Bisi, Roberto Sciagrà, Giovanni M. Santoro, Francesca Zerauschek and Pier Filippo Fazzini
Journal of Nuclear Medicine August 1994, 35 (8) 1274-1278;
Gianni Bisi
Roberto Sciagrà
Giovanni M. Santoro
Francesca Zerauschek

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Sublingual Isosorbide Dinitrate to Improve Technetium-99m-Teboroxime Perfusion Defect Reversibility
Gianni Bisi, Roberto Sciagrà, Giovanni M. Santoro, Francesca Zerauschek, Pier Filippo Fazzini
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Aug 1994, 35 (8) 1274-1278;
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