Research ArticleHuman Studies
Lymphoscintigraphy in High-Risk Melanoma of the Trunk: Predicting Draining Node Groups, Defining Lymphatic Channels and Locating the Sentinel Node
Roger F. Uren, Robert B. Howman-Giles, Helen M. Shaw, John F. Thompson and William H. McCarthy
Journal of Nuclear Medicine September 1993, 34 (9) 1435-1440;
Roger F. Uren
Robert B. Howman-Giles
Helen M. Shaw
John F. Thompson

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In this issue
Lymphoscintigraphy in High-Risk Melanoma of the Trunk: Predicting Draining Node Groups, Defining Lymphatic Channels and Locating the Sentinel Node
Roger F. Uren, Robert B. Howman-Giles, Helen M. Shaw, John F. Thompson, William H. McCarthy
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Sep 1993, 34 (9) 1435-1440;
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