Research ArticleHuman Studies
The Influence of Plasma Glucose Levels on Fluorine-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake in Bronchial Carcinomas
K.-J. Langen, U. Braun, E. Rota Kops, H. Herzog, T. Kuwert, B. Nebeling and L.E. Feinendegen
Journal of Nuclear Medicine March 1993, 34 (3) 355-359;
K.-J. Langen
U. Braun
E. Rota Kops
H. Herzog
T. Kuwert
B. Nebeling

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In this issue
The Influence of Plasma Glucose Levels on Fluorine-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake in Bronchial Carcinomas
K.-J. Langen, U. Braun, E. Rota Kops, H. Herzog, T. Kuwert, B. Nebeling, L.E. Feinendegen
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Mar 1993, 34 (3) 355-359;
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