Research ArticleMethodology
Compton Scatter Compensation Using the Triple-Energy Window Method for Single- and Dual-Isotope SPECT
Takashi Ichihara, Koichi Ogawa, Nobutoku Motomura, Atushi Kubo and Shozo Hashimoto
Journal of Nuclear Medicine December 1993, 34 (12) 2216-2221;
Takashi Ichihara
Koichi Ogawa
Nobutoku Motomura
Atushi Kubo

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In this issue
Compton Scatter Compensation Using the Triple-Energy Window Method for Single- and Dual-Isotope SPECT
Takashi Ichihara, Koichi Ogawa, Nobutoku Motomura, Atushi Kubo, Shozo Hashimoto
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Dec 1993, 34 (12) 2216-2221;
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